Похождения Бругдара, дварфа-элементалиста ----------------------------------------- * Решил идти элементалистом, потому что не хотелось сразу же геморроиться с визардами (спеллы им там всякие подавай:)) * Первого элементалиста новой гаммы загубил подлый глюк (external error). Зато я узнал, что орк-элементалист (помните статую в заброшенном храме?:)) очень рульная комбинация. Этот чёрт очень круто дерёЦЦа и вполне сносно кастует. Решил выяснить, будет ли рулить дварф. * Сгенерил перснонажа, отвечая на вопросы психотеста. В итоге все статсы около 14. * Успел вовремя, чтобы спасти собаку, но опоздал к битве с Краначем * Попался алтарь в SMC => 2 раза прекороновался. Получил сраную книжку и Ironfist. * Горную деревню охранял Stone Giant Lord, и я если унёс оттуда ноги * Тандеррар, собака, попросил меня убить Shambling Mound. Если поспотреть килл-лист внизу, то за всю игру я встретил только двух экземпляров... * Скопив тысяч 40 лаве, короновался. Удивлён, что получил кольцо, а не глупый "nature's friend". * Пирамида не была проблемой (ведь у элементалиста в арсенале отличные огненные спеллы) * В поисках shambling mound'a полдня проторчал (real time) на открутых уровнях Tomb of High Kings. Бесполезно:( В итоге пошёл в Даркфордж. Големы легко разрулились brutal adamantium spear. В оружейной комнате я нашёл Wyrmlance. Получил 2 желания подряд из одной лужи(!!!!). Завишал AoLS Хелавастеру и shambling mound Тандеррару:) Глупо, конечно тратить драгоценный виш на монстра, но что делать? Тактику-то охота! * Дальше всё как по ресльсам. Лес, огры, арена, демон. Надо отметить, что все деньги, которые я находил, шли на тренировку характеристик. * Гремлины тоже проблемы не представляли, тк я уже успел выучить Light, a Wi достигла 35 (я специально напялил amulet of perseverance (Wi +6) * Tower of Eternal Flames. C 1 огнеупорным одеялом я полез туда. Легче, чем я ожидал. Весь контингент дох от простого frost bolt'а, а Вирм даже не успел до меня дойти. Кстати, теперь в храмах стихий нельзя телепортироваться:( * Будучи 25 левеля заглянул к Шиссиркиус и отослал туда Блупа. * После этого я решил расквитаЦЦа с мерзкими жуками в заброшенной церкви рядом с менестрелем. Вендетту я им объявил после того, как они разорвали волшебника 14 левеля, заглянувшего в новую локацию и абслютно неготового к таким "приключениям". Cloak of invisibility помогла на этот раз:). Для справки: у greater claw bug ~80-100 хитов (1 раз burning hands), а у Killer bug ~100-120 хитов (2 раза burning hands). Хреново то, что их скорость раза в полтора выше, и без инвиза там делать нечего. Из статуй выпало следущее: uncursed barbed trident of hunting (+1, 3d5+4) uncursed holy two-handed sword of devastation (+3, 7d5+9) [-1, +0] blessed vigilant adamantium plate mail of travelling (-2, -4) [-2, +14] uncursed padded elven chain mail of resilience [+0, +6] палка телепорта на 25 зарядов палка фаерболлов на 100 (!) зарядов 6 (!) SoCR (Scrolls of Chaos Resistance) итп вкусности greater claw bug : Wi-6 Dx+3 killer bug : Wi-12 Dx+6 =>> Церковь - идеальное место для раскачки De (голубые драконы отдыхают:)). Просто мне было жаль терять сороковой Willpower. Всего же мною убито: 76 greater claw bugs 204 killer bugs * Спуск вниз: до Казино ничего интересного. В казино я выиграл миллионов 10 и все пустил на характеристики. Также я прикупил там 7 league boots и ещё парочку вещей. Артефактов там не оказалось:( * Храм Воздуха теперь стал намного тяжелее: по вам теперь фигачат молнии (иммунитет не помешает), сжигая много полезных шмоток. Хинт: надо поменьше двигаЦЦа. Пока стоишь на месте, молнии не бьют:) * Храм Земли - это ваще улёт. Теперь элементалы видят в темноте и инвиз против них не спасает:( Вот как прикольно было раньше: кастуешь Darkness и выносишь всех в берсерке... {Ностальгия:}} Мне показалось, что Ancient Stone Beast намного окрутел. Я получил за него 1,3 миллилна вместо обычных 500 тысяч. Да и битва с ним была не из лёгких. * Уровень 46 - логово красных драконов (Frost bolt). 2 кольца of djinni summoning Skullcrusher ~ 2800000 gold * Одним из колец зажелал spellbooks of acid ball. Получил 3, все поблессил - меморайз под 5000. Проблема с храмом маны решена! * Уровень 47 - некрополь (invisibility+Acid Ball) the crown of leadership the dwarven pick axe "Hammerhead the emerald dagger "Death's Final Touch" uncursed scorched spear Здесь я достиг 50 уровня (а пришёл сюда L37) * Храм Маны - piece of cake! (c) Duke Nukem:) Detect Traps+Acid Ball * Уровень 49 - Whirlwind в подарок. (ФУ! Я хотел Bracers of War:)) * 50 уровень. С Acid Ball на 32 клетки - прще пареной репы. Прикольно то, что обычные балоры у Бругдара весили по 3 лимона экспы, а Фистанарий - целых 8! * По дороге обратно заглянул к Шарад Ваадору. Телепортясь от лестницы к лестнице, я спустился и завалил arch-enemy. * Белый Единорог - и домой! --------------------------------------- Мне показалось, что новая гамма чуть потяжелее, хотя, я, наверное, просто давно нормально не играл в АДоМ:) Фишка с префиксами и постфиксами мне показалась довольно прикольной, теперь артефакты не так жизненно необходимы. Кстати говоря, новых я так и не нашёл:( Добрую половину игры я проходил с брутальным адамантиновым копьём и ничуть не жалею:) З.Ы. Орк круче дерёЦЦа (Find Weakness), а дварф круче кастует. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^*^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^=====^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^@.^ ^===""""~ ^^*^^^&&&&&&&~~~~~~~~~~~~^*^^=======^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^..^^ ==="""~~~ ^^^&&&&&&o&&&&&&&~~~~~~~&&&========="""""""&&^~^^*^.^^ """"~~~^^ ^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&==""""""""""&&~~~^....^ ""~~^^*^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&""""=""""""""""&&&&&o..~^^^ "~~~^^^^^^^ ^^^*^"""""""""""""""""""=="""""""""&&&&&&&&&&^^^ ~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^""""""""""""""""""""=""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&~~^^ ^^^^~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"""""&&&&"""*&&&&""""=="""""&&&&&&&&&&&&~~*^^ ^^^^~~~~~~"o""""^^"""""""""&&&&&&&&&......^^^^=="""""""&&o&&&&~~~~^^^ ^^^^^^~~~~"""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.^^*^^===""""""&&&&&&~~~^^^ ^^^^~~~~~"""""""""""""""&&&&&&&*&*&&&&&&&&&....^^^^==="""&&""&&&~~ ^^^^&""""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&&.""""""===="""""~~~~ ^^^ ^^^^&&""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&""""""==""====""~~~ ^*^ ^^^*^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&^^^*^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"""""===""""""""~~~ ^~^ ^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&""""""=^^"""~^^ ^o^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Brugdar St:73 Le:62 Wi:53 Dx:64 To:74 Ch:68 Ap:27 Ma:15 Pe:62 L+ DV/PV: 47/59 H: 1020(1020) P: 531(531) Exp: 50/77282175 DrCh Sp: 103 Blessed Invisible Bloated Berserk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Комментарии к характеристикам: тренировался у дварфов. Мана была за 50, но напоследок чёрт меня дёрнул поиграть с potions of exchange:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brugdar Race: male Dwarf Class: Elementalist Eye color: brown Hair color: black Complexion: ruddy Height: 123 cm Weight: 78 kilos Scars: 8 Age: 78 (grown-up, 15 years of unnatural aging added in) Star sign: Salamander Birthday: 22/Salamander (day 142 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your mother is a mighty enchantress. She is unmarried. Your father is living in the vicinity of your mother's tower. He is a humble shepherd. As a child you lived through happy days. Your parents tried to ease your life as much as possible and gave you a lot of comfort. In your youth you worked a lot to become rich and famous later. Consequently you rarely had enough time to play with other kids of your age. Your young adulthood was characterized by hard and long work. You had decided to study under a renowned master. To your great disappointment you had to find out, that he was a hard, unjust and tyrannic man, embittered by his old age. Your apprentice years were quite terrible. You decided to become a Elementalist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 14631 stones Carrying capacity: 25075 stones He: blessed crown of leadership [+2, +7] {Ch+18} [65s] Ne: blessed ankh [3s] Bo: blessed vigilant adamantium plate mail of travelling (-2, -4) [-2, +14] Gi: blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] Cl: blessed cloak of invisibility (-1, +0) [+1, +0] [30s] RH: blessed rune-covered club "Skullcrusher" (+12, 3d6+2) [-3, +0] {St+4} LH: blessed tower crystal shield (-3) [+15, +4] [260s] RR: blessed ring of immunity [1s] LR: blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3] [1s] Br: blessed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] Ga: blessed iron gauntlets "Ironfist" (-1, +0) [+1, +3] {St+7} [10s] Bo: blessed seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s] MW: - Mi: - Tl: blessed pick axe (+1, 1d6+3) [75s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 13691 stones Carrying capacity: 25075 stones Helmets ('[') uncursed crown of science [+4, +8] {Le+9} [65s] uncursed helm of water breathing [+0, +1] [30s] uncursed horned helmet [+4, +1] [100s] uncursed adamantium cap [+0, +5] [36s] uncursed metal cap [+0, +2] [50s] Armor ('[') blessed ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s] uncursed padded elven chain mail of resilience [+0, +6] [10s] heap of 3 uncursed eternium plate mails (-1, -2) [-1, +13] [720s] * Сувериры с D 50 uncursed eternium chain mail of speed (-1, -2) [-1, +11] [220s] Shields ('[') blessed dwarven shield "Rolf's Saviour" (+2) [+9, +6] [120s] blessed large eternium shield [+11, +5] [54s] uncursed small adamantium shield [+5, +0] [36s] uncursed medium eternium shield [+9, +3] [46s] Gauntlets ('[') uncursed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] uncursed gauntlets of strength (-1, +0) [-1, +3] {St+3} [40s] uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+2, +3] [15s] * Неплохой DV/PV, ведь свитков я не читал! blessed gauntlets of strength (-1, +0) [+3, +1] {St+3} [40s] uncursed gloves (+1, +1) [+0, +0] [6s] uncursed red leather gauntlets (+1, -1) [+0, +3] [10s] Cloaks ('[') blessed cloak of protection [+0, +3] [20s] uncursed light cloak [+1, +0] [20s] uncursed cloak of adornment [+0, +0] {Ap+7} [40s] Girdles ('[') blessed girdle of greed [+1, +0] [7s] uncursed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+3} [15s] Boots ('[') uncursed gnomish boots (+1, +0) [+4, +0] [10s] uncursed seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s] uncursed eternium boots [+0, +7] [55s] uncursed eternium boots [+0, +5] [55s] uncursed sandals (-1, +1) [+0, +0] [6s] uncursed light boots [+0, +0] [20s] uncursed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] Necklaces (''') heap of 2 uncursed amulets of perseverance {Wi+3} [6s] uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+6} [2s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of free action [6s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of the cold heart {Ch-12} [6s] blessed necklace of rapid healing [2s] uncursed necklace of rapid healing [2s] uncursed amulet of speed (+3 spd) [3s] blessed necklace of rabies resistance [2s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of perseverance {Wi+3} [6s] uncursed pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s] blessed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+4} [2s] uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+5} [2s] heap of 4 uncursed amulets of greed [12s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+6} [3s] uncursed amulet of teleport control [3s] uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [2s] uncursed necklace of rabies resistance [2s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of light [6s] blessed amulet of petrification resistance [3s] blessed amulet of the cold heart {Ch-12} [3s] uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [2s] uncursed necklace of the eye [3s] Bracers (',') blessed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] uncursed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') blessed pick axe (+0, 1d6+4) [75s] uncursed mace of disruption (+2, 2d4+2) [100s] uncursed brutal adamantium spear (+3, 2d8+8) [36s] * Вот оно! uncursed lead-filled mace "Big Punch" (+1, 8d5+3) [-6, +0] [800s] uncursed mace of destruction (+5, 5d6+9) [120s] blessed pick axe (+2, 1d6+1) [75s] uncursed unbalanced pick axe (+3, 1d6+2) [75s] uncursed eternium warhammer (+0, 4d3+8) [29s] blessed dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion" (+3, 3d6+6) [+4, +4] {To+3} uncursed phase dagger (+0, 1d4-1) [5s] * Казино blessed knife of mayhem (+1, 3d3+6) [8s] * Рульный ковыряльник! uncursed adamantium mace (+3, 1d6+3) [72s] uncursed phase dagger (+0, 1d4+3) [5s] uncursed swift adamantium dagger (+2, 1d4+5) [7s] uncursed dagger of vampirism (-2, 1d4-1) [10s] uncursed eternium mace (+1, 2d6+11) [55s] uncursed green adamantium warhammer (+2, 2d3+8) [43s] uncursed phase dagger (+0, 1d4) [5s] uncursed phase dagger (+1, 1d4) [5s] * красные драконы uncursed dwarven pick axe "Hammerhead" (+2, 2d10+4) [+2, +2] {To+3}[90s] uncursed scorched spear (+2, 3d8+1) [+2, +0] [50s] uncursed adamantium broadsword (+3, 1d7+10) [57s] uncursed emerald dagger "Death's Final Touch" (+3, 3d4+3) [+3, +1] [13s] uncursed dagger (-1, 1d4) [10s] uncursed adamantium battle axe (+3, 1d6+8) [50s] uncursed eternium long sword of damnation (-3, 2d8+7) [20s] uncursed adamantium mace (+0, 1d6+8) [72s] uncursed eternium broadsword (+0, 2d7+9) [38s] uncursed mithril scimitar (+0, 1d8+1) [32s] uncursed sword of sharpness (+0, 4d8+6) [35s] uncursed stone spear (+0, 1d8) [120s] uncursed orcish knife (-3, 1d3+2) [10s] uncursed hand axe (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] uncursed mace (+0, 1d6+1) [100s] uncursed black rune-covered dagger "Needle" (+8, 3d4) [+4, +1] [10s] Two-handed weapons ('(') uncursed rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0] [50s] uncursed scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" (+6, 10d4+6) [+2, +2] [70s] uncursed barbed trident of hunting (+1, 3d5+4) [70s] uncursed holy two-handed sword of devastation (+3, 7d5+9) [-1, +0][100s] uncursed two-handed sword (+6, 3d5+6) [-1, +0] [100s] blessed rune-covered trident (+6, 3d12+6) [+4, +4] {Dx+12} [80s] uncursed adamantium-shod quarterstaff (+2, 1d10+10) [57s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed long bow of hunting (+7, +3) [30s] * снова красные драконы uncursed rune-covered sling "Whirlwind" (+12, +12) [3s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 3 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [6s] bundle of 6 uncursed quarrels of giant slaying (+3, 2d8+3) [24s] bundle of 7 uncursed quarrels of undead slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [28s] bundle of 12 uncursed winged quarrels of slaying (+4, 2d6+1) [24s] bundle of 11 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [44s] Tools (']') uncursed hexagonal key [1s] blessed stethoscope [5s] heap of 3 uncursed waterproof blankets [30s] uncursed tinderbox (24) [3s] uncursed round key [1s] heap of 225 uncursed sis [2250s] heap of 26 blessed sis [260s] uncursed square key [1s] uncursed small key [1s] uncursed holy symbol [5s] uncursed climbing set [180s] heap of 2 uncursed fireproof blankets [20s] blessed fireproof blanket [10s] heap of 2 uncursed triangular keys [2s] uncursed tiny key [1s] uncursed magical writing set (6) [5s] Instruments ('{') uncursed lute [20s] Rings ('=') blessed ring of ice [1s] blessed ring of damage [1s] blessed ring of the fish [1s] blessed ring of invisibility [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of cold resistance [2s] uncursed ring of fire resistance [1s] heap of 3 uncursed rings of luck [3s] heap of 3 uncursed rings of invisibility [3s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of stun resistance [2s] uncursed ring of defense +1 [1s] uncursed ring of slaying (+6 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] uncursed ring of the clear mind [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of damage [2s] uncursed ring of see invisible [1s] uncursed ring of doom [1s] blessed ring of searching [1s] uncursed brass ring [1s] uncursed ring of the fish [1s] blessed ring of djinni summoning [1s] * Прям не знаю, чё б пожелать!:) blessed brass ring [1s] blessed ring of luck [1s] uncursed ring of speed [+0, +1] (+5 spd) [1s] uncursed ring of ice [1s] uncursed ring of damage [1s] uncursed ring of regeneration [1s] uncursed ring of searching [1s] uncursed ring of acid resistance [1s] Wands ('\') blessed wand of knocking (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of gold detection (4 charges) [6s] uncursed wand of item detection (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of teleportation (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of acid (4 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of webbing (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of lightning (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of digging (1 charge) [3s] * Вандоа так мало, тк из остальных я подрейнил заряды и выкинул Potions ('!') heap of 12 potions of holy water [48s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of visibility [16s] heap of 14 uncursed potions of booze [56s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of troll blood [8s] heap of 2 blessed potions of invisibility [8s] blessed potion of carrot juice [4s] heap of 6 uncursed oils of rust removal [12s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of training [10s] heap of 2 blessed potions of poison [8s] heap of 12 uncursed potions of cure poison [24s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of boost mana [10s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost dexterity [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of raw chaos [4s] heap of 7 uncursed potions of healing [28s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of raw mana [4s] heap of 10 uncursed potions of ultra healing [20s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of blindness [4s] heap of 8 uncursed potions of carrot juice [32s] uncursed potion of potential charisma [4s] heap of 10 uncursed potions of invisibility [40s] heap of 2 blessed potions of cure poison [4s] uncursed phial of Caladriel [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of oil [4s] heap of 5 blessed potions of extra healing [10s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of boost charisma [6s] blessed potion of cure corruption [2s] heap of 4 blessed potions of ultra healing [8s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of insight [10s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of sickness [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of speed [4s] heap of 2 blessed potions of boost willpower [4s] heap of 4 uncursed berzio potions [8s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of potential learning [20s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost perception [4s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost appearance [8s] blessed potion of boost dexterity [2s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of boost willpower [6s] blessed potion of boost speed [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost strength [4s] uncursed potion of cure corruption [2s] uncursed potion of deafness [2s] uncursed potion of stun recovery [2s] heap of 7 uncursed potions of water [28s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of wonder [4s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of potential dexterity [12s] uncursed potion of confusion [2s] blessed potion of blindness [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential strength [8s] uncursed potion of boost learning [2s] uncursed potion of youth [4s] uncursed potion of boost toughness [2s] heap of 2 blessed potions of booze [8s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential mana [8s] uncursed potion of potential willpower [4s] uncursed potion of poison [4s] blessed potion of confusion [2s] blessed potion of beauty [4s] Scrolls ('?') uncursed scroll of information [2s] heap of 11 uncursed scrolls of power [22s] heap of 2 blessed scrolls of light [4s] heap of 14 uncursed scrolls of identify [28s] uncursed scroll of gold detection [2s] heap of 7 uncursed scrolls of great identify [14s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of light [4s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of amnesia [6s] heap of 7 uncursed scrolls of darkness [14s] heap of 9 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping [18s] heap of 4 blessed scrolls of magic mapping [8s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of satiation [4s] heap of 10 blessed scrolls of chaos resistance [20s] * Нехило, а? Если б не L+, то взял бы квест чёрного единорога uncursed scroll of item detection [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of teleportation [4s] blessed scroll of vermin control [2s] uncursed scroll of peace [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of charging [6s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of increase melee accuracy [6s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of uncursing [4s] blessed scroll of item destruction [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of defense [6s] heap of 3 uncursed blank scrolls [6s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of increase melee damage [4s] blessed scroll of item creation [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of dark predictions [6s] uncursed scroll of monster detection [2s] uncursed scroll of ill fate [2s] heap of 4 blessed scrolls of uncursing [8s] blessed scroll of satiation [2s] blessed scroll of great identify [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of vermin control [4s] heap of 2 blessed scrolls of darkness [4s] uncursed scroll of item creation [2s] uncursed scroll of item destruction [2s] blessed blank scroll [2s] uncursed scroll of protection [2s] uncursed scroll of balance [2s] blessed scroll of amnesia [2s] Books ('"') uncursed spellbook of Disarm Trap [100s] uncursed spellbook of Slow Poison [100s] uncursed spellbook of Teleportation [100s] Food ('%') heap of 33 blessed cooked lizards [99s] heap of 381 uncursed cooked lizards [1143s] * Купил 3 партиии по 100+ кукед лизардов. Надо сказать, что проблем с едой перс не испытывал и до этого Valuables ('$') 326010 gold pieces [3260s] Gems ('*') heap of 6 uncursed opals [6s] heap of 7 uncursed worthless pieces of brown glass [7s] heap of 4 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass [4s] heap of 14 uncursed crystals of health [14s] heap of 2 blessed turquoises [2s] heap of 4 uncursed crystals of knowledge [4s] heap of 6 uncursed amber stones [6s] heap of 5 uncursed aquamarines [5s] heap of 5 uncursed sapphires [5s] heap of 4 blessed emeralds [4s] heap of 5 uncursed emeralds [5s] heap of 6 uncursed crystals of power [6s] heap of 4 uncursed turquoises [4s] heap of 9 uncursed crystals of darkness [9s] heap of 2 blessed rubies [2s] heap of 7 uncursed worthless pieces of white glass [7s] blessed crystal of light [1s] heap of 4 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass [4s] heap of 2 blessed crystals of knowledge [2s] blessed opal [1s] heap of 4 uncursed crystals of light [4s] heap of 5 uncursed turquoises [5s] heap of 4 uncursed aquamarines [4s] heap of 3 uncursed topazes [3s] blessed worthless piece of brown glass [1s] uncursed worthless piece of red glass [1s] blessed crystal of health [1s] heap of 3 uncursed rubies [3s] blessed topaz [1s] blessed sapphire [1s] uncursed crystal of fire [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Unarmed fighting 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 130 Daggers & knives 5 +4 +2 +1 skilled 38 * emerald Clubs & hammers 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 29 Maces & flails 4 +3 +1 +1 skilled 210 * pig punch Swords 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 50 Axes 7 +5 +4 +1 skilled 207 * axe of vampirism Whips 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 50 Pole arms 9 +9 +5 +10 excellent 1125 * вышеупомянутое копье. Даже не брал в руки Wyrmlance, scrorched spear и runed trident. Хотя боец из него вышел неплохой... Twohanded weapons 1 +1 +1 +0 basic 50 Staves 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 50 Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Bows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Crossbows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Thrown rocks & clubs 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Boomerangs & scurgari 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 14 Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- Shields 10 +20 excellent 2848 Damage caused with your melee weapons: -------------------------------------- Right hand: +149 bonus to hit, 3d6+50 damage * Если б тактика была 100... {вздох} Damage caused with your missile weapons: ---------------------------------------- No missile weapons available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backstabbing .............100 (superb) [+1] Climbing ................. 92 (superb) [+1d3] * Я хотел 100 для библиотеки, но... Concentration ............100 (superb) [+1d5] Courage ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] Detect traps .............100 (superb) [+1] First aid ................ 89 (great) [+1d3] Gemology .................100 (superb) [+1d3] Haggling ................. 69 (good) [+1d3] Healing ..................100 (superb) [+1d3] Listening ................100 (superb) [+1] Literacy .................100 (superb) [+1d5] Metallurgy ...............100 (superb) [+1d5] Mining ...................100 (superb) [+1d5] Smithing ................. 51 (good) [+1] Swimming .................100 (superb) [+1d5] Tactics .................. 64 (good) [+1] * дрянь! ну никак не хотела расти:( Two weapon combat ........100 (superb) [+1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Только то, что много кастовал Acid Ball : 2527, 29pp (Effectivity: +32) Burning Hands : 3160, 4pp (Effectivity: +36) Fire Bolt : 6407, 5pp (Effectivity: +24) Fireball : 225, 15pp (Effectivity: +7) Frost Bolt : 6211, 7pp (Effectivity: +27) Light : 306, 1pp (Effectivity: +11) Teleportation : 2499, 20pp (Effectivity: +11) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His further life: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After he leaves the Drakalor Chain he is welcomed by his people with great honors. They acknowledge his noble deeds, his valor, his cunning and his great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world he knows. He is crowned to be the king of all dwarves and lives a long and prosperous life full of love, happiness and pleasure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His achievements during his adventures: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brugdar, the dwarven elementalist, saved the world with his brave efforts and became a great ruler while saving himself 14 times. He scored 63766580 points and advanced to level 50. * Ну ни фига себе! Я думал, что для будет меньше. Для первого раза оччень неплохо!!!! He survived for 0 years, 62 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes and 41 seconds (47754 turns). Brugdar visited 114 places. His strength score was modified by +48 during his career. His learning score was modified by +44 during his career. His willpower score was modified by +35 during his career. His dexterity score was modified by +54 during his career. His toughness score was modified by +54 during his career. His charisma score was modified by +46 during his career. His appearance score was modified by +17 during his career. His mana score was modified by -4 during his career. * см выше:( His perception score was modified by +45 during his career. He was unnaturally aged by 15 years. He was the champion of the arena. He was the head of the thieves guild. He made a little water dragon very happy. He brought back joy into the life of a tiny girl. He defeated the arch enemy of a mighty karmic wyrm. He stopped the generation of nasty bugs. He saved Khelavaster from certain death. He left the Drakalor Chain after completing his quest and became a great leader and famous hero. 4863 monsters perished before him. The following 29 artifacts were generated during his adventure: the si the dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion" the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" the golden gladius "Death's Sting" the dwarven shield "Rolf's Saviour" the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth the lead-filled mace "Big Punch" the scorched spear the rune-covered trident the elemental gauntlets the ring of the High Kings the phial of Caladriel the crown of science the ancient mummy wrapping the ankh the rune-covered club "Skullcrusher" the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana the black rune-covered dagger "Needle" the rune-covered sling "Whirlwind" the ring of immunity the crown of leadership the dwarven pick axe "Hammerhead" the iron gauntlets "Ironfist" the black tome of Alsophocus the emerald dagger "Death's Final Touch" the rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" He possessed the following intrinsics: He was fire resistant (enhanced through an item). He was poison resistant (enhanced through items). He was cold resistant (gained through an item). He was lucky (enhanced through an item). Fate smiled upon him (enhanced through an item). He was able to control teleportation. He was invisible (gained through an item). He was stun resistant (enhanced through items). He was paralyzation resistant. He was resistant to death rays. He was shock resistant (enhanced through an item). He was able to see invisible things (gained through an item). He was immune to shock attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to fire attacks. He was immune to acidic attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to ice attacks (gained through an item). He was able to breathe water. He was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through items). He was a messiah of Morodwyn. He asked for 2 divine interventions. He was a holy champion of Order. The following monsters were vanquished: 18 air demons 7 air elementals 5 air grues 3 ancient blue dragons 1 ancient blue wyrm 1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm 1 ancient minotaur 14 ancient red dragons 1 Ancient Stone Beast 9 animated armors 132 animated trees 2 ankhegs 14 annihilators 2 annis hags 4 assassins 9 balors * 3 лимона экспы x9= 27! 7 bandits 1 banshee 6 barbarians 1 barbarian leader 1 battle bunny 43 berserkers 1 berserker emperor 1 berserker king 27 berserker lords * You feel excited. Логово берсеркеров встретилось мне впервые 19 berserker princes 4 big dogs 10 black hurthlings 2 black wizards 1 blink dog * Я хотел платиновый пояс, но эта тварь влезла мне под Acid Ball прям на 48 левеле. Обидно,а? 17 blue baby dragons 9 blue dragons 1 bone golem 3 brown bears 13 bugbears 1 bulette 1 bunny master 6 carrion crawlers 1 cat lord 7 cave bears 32 cave fishers 3 cave lions 7 cave lizards 4 cave tigers 6 cavemen 1 Chaos Archmage 8 chaos brothers 3 chaos knights 7 chaos lizards 66 chaos mutants 7 chaos plague bearers 1 chaos rat 213 chaos servants 3 chaos sisters 5 chaos spiders 1 chaos viper 52 chaos warriors 41 chaos wizards 6 claw bugs 3 clay golems 3 cobras 3 cooshoos 20 corpse fiends 3 corruptors 1 crime lord 1 crystal statue 1 cutpurse 4 cyclopes 2 dark elven archers 1 dark elven lord 7 dark elven priestesses 2 dark elven princesses 3 dark elven wizards 13 dark orcs 10 dark sages 8 death oozes * Их накастовал какой-то лич перед смертью:) 2 diamond golems * И оба на арене 26 dire wolves 8 displacer beasts 8 dopplegangers 4 doppleganger lords 1 Dorn Beast 11 dwarven chaos knights 35 earth elementals 22 emperor lichs * ! 11 ettins 4 eyes of destruction 24 fire beetles 33 fire demons 20 fire drakes 47 fire elementals 14 fire giants 16 fire grues 4 fire lizards 15 flesh golems 4 floating eyes 3 fomorian giants 2 frost giants 6 gargoyles 3 gelatinous cubes 117 ghosts 5 ghost bats 40 ghost lords 82 ghuls 1 giant ant queen 13 giant ant warriors 3 giant ant workers 27 giant bats 1 giant bee queen 1 giant bee warrior 9 giant bee workers 5 giant centipedes 2 giant frogs 7 giant lizards 106 giant rats 2 giant rust monsters 49 giant spiders 1 giant turtle 1 gibbering mouther 12 gnolls 2 gnoll chieftains 48 goblins 4 goblin berserkers 6 goblin chieftains 36 goblin rockthrowers 28 goblin slavemasters 7 gray oozes 1 gray slayer 3 great blue wyrms 2 great red wyrms 2 greater air elementals 1 greater balor 1 greater black unicorn 85 greater chaos servants 76 greater claw bugs 2 greater daemons 4 greater earth elementals 5 greater fire elementals 1 greater mimic 1 greater moloch * 3 Acid Ball'a 5 greater mummies 1 greater water elemental 5 green blobs 4 green hags 3 green slimes 2 green worms 398 gremlins 2 griffons 4 grizzly bears 2 half-orc bouncers 9 harpies 8 hell hounds 50 hill giants 3 hill giant chieftains 4 hill orcs 5 hill orc sergeants 9 hippogriffs 21 hobgoblins 2 hobgoblin chiefs 4 hobgoblin leaders 4 homunculi 6 huge bats 4 hydras 4 hyenas 5 imps 5 invisible stalkers 87 jackals 4 jackal demons 8 jackalweres 3 karmic lizards 204 killer bugs 33 kobolds 8 kobold chieftains 4 kobold shamans 34 large bats 2 large dogs 9 large gnolls 6 large jackals 16 large kobolds 12 large orcs 2 large rust monsters 7 large snakes 168 large spiders 7 least daemons 3 leucrottas 19 lichs 1 lich king 1 lightning lizard 1 living wall 17 lizard men 10 magebane eyes 14 magedoom eyes 1 margoyle 1 master assassin 1 master lich 2 master mimics 1 master necromancer 1 Master Summoner 8 master swordsmen 1 master thief 8 mimics 2 minotaurs 1 minotaur lord 2 molochs 19 mummies 1 mummy lord 1 necromancer 6 ochre jellies 44 ogres 3 ogre kings 6 ogre lords 2 ogre magi 60 orcs 6 orc chieftains 12 orc scorchers 5 outlaws 5 outlaw leaders 6 owlbears 55 pit vipers 2 pixies 1 purple worm 7 quasits 6 quicklings 4 quickling lords 4 rabid dogs 6 raiders 186 rats 11 ratling archers 9 ratling duelists 7 ratling fencers 2 ratling master thieves 13 ratling thieves 5 ratling warlords 35 ratling warriors 4 rattlesnakes 30 red baby dragons 32 red dragons 39 red worms 1 revenant 4 rust monsters 124 shadows 2 shadow centipedes 5 shadow lords 1 shadow troll 2 shambling mounds 1 shark 9 silver wolves 2 skeletal kings 33 skeletal warriors 130 skeletons 2 slow shadows 1 Snake from Beyond 82 spectres 4 staring eyes 36 steel golems 2 steel horrors 4 steel zombies 11 stone giants 2 stone giant lords 5 stone golems 29 stone grues 5 stone snakes 5 swordsmen 38 tarantulas 9 trolls 5 troll berserkers 1 troll chief 1 undead chaos dwarven berserker 30 vampires 43 vapor rats 3 vipers 8 water demons 5 water elementals 21 water grues 35 water snakes 11 wererats 3 werewolves 2 werewolf lords 1 white baby dragon 1 white dragon 37 white worms 125 wights 5 wild cats 24 wolves 60 wraiths 90 writhing masses of primal chaos 4 yellow oozes 117 zombies