---> Воры бодрый класс. Поначалу было жестковато. Раз десять хитпойнты падали ниже 5. Однако вивисектор всё-равно выжил! ---> нашел альтарь в пещере у плотника и 2 раза прекороновался. Получил изумрудный даггер и Протектор. Благодаря им, можно сказать, и выжил. ---> Тандеррарр (за спеллинг не ручаюсь:))) попросил меня убить ... green blob. Экземпляр встретился мне в пирамиде. Рехетеп, словно зная о моих проблемах, позвал среди прочих, блинк дога (+ вкуснейший трупик), зеленую кляксу и огненного вортекса, от которого сам и окочурился :) ---> В 1.1.1. был сильно урезан опыт. Раньше экспа у хоббита (вне зависимости от класса) просто взлетала, а теперь же уровни растут чрезвычайно медленно. 50 левеля я достиг лишь ближе к концу игры. ---> Проведал кладбище и големов. Мертвяков теперь есть бесполезно:( Если ваше телосложение выше 30, то не надейтесь, что оно у вас поднимется от какого-нибудь wight corpse. БиСкУп - КоЗёЛ:) В кузнице я подобрал Вирмленс. ---> Ледяной палки опять же не обнаружилось. Пришлось строить мост. Представьте себе картинку: малюсенький хоббит прет на своем горбу *Кучу* всякого брахла, включая десяток бревен... :) ---> украл амулет (ясно какой) у *кобольда* в широкой пещере. ---> Уровень 29 (прям перед казино, где тусит вечный страж) - you feel a surge of power. Хрензнаеткто, Гигантский Ржавый Монстр, охраняет арбалет. ---> уровень 34 - логово големов. Пришлось испробовать арбалетик и пустить пару анти-голимых стрелок. Особенно упирался этерниумный экземпляр - кинжалеты его даже не царапали. ---> ГРРРРР!!! Ни одного большого логова! Я так наделся подраЦЦа с дракошами или гигантами, а тут .... :( ---> Трагедия! Вивисектор намеревался стать аватарой. Успел пособирать ценные предметы, необходимые для этого (скролл, поушен, череп, жезл). Алигмент у него был L (без плюса). Когда же он помолился, чтобы не быть убитым Котовьим Повелителем (у того вдруг прошел критикал), то сраная Шалла решила взять и короновать Вивисектора, разрушив все его мечты о битве с Андором. В подарок он получил гадкий кошачий кинжал, которым и драться-то как следует нельзя, а можно только негров пытать :( С каких это пор коронуют персов с непредельным алигментом? непонятно........ ---> Храм воздуха - ГМ в кинжалах. Переключился на полеармы. Воевал Вирмленсом, так как Блупский подарок умудрился .... потерять :( ---> Храм Земли. Пожалуй самая сложная битва. Пришлось испить немало лечилок, пока я не рассправился со всеми надоедливыми грюями. Много корруптов :( ---> Потратил штуки 3 противокорруптных скроллов, чтобы излечить ядовитые руки. Стоило мне их вылечить, как они появлялись снова. RNG сыграл со мной злобную шутку. Толстых перчаток-то у меня не было :( ---> После 50 уровня подался к драконам. Немного потусил у них. Собрал немало полезных снадобий и скроллов. ---> Полечился у кобылки. ---> Наведался к Ассасссинам, чтобы объединить кинжалы. ---> ОТ нечего делать пошел в ID. Решил сходить за скипетром. Свой первый килл я все равно не знал (храбрость я получил от шару), так что на Флика я не рассчитывал. На 61 уровне я вдруг натолкнулся на барда, тусившего возле лестницы. Был бы он в другой комнате - не нашел бы ни в жизнь. ---> Добрел до МаЛаКаЯ. 1 противогуманоидная стрела и его как не бывало. Взял скипетр и почалил обратно. Ещё 3 коррупта по дороге :( ---> продал скипетр Барнабасу за 9000 $. Целое состояние, блин! ---> Министрель, потом Эмперор Молох. 2 антидемонические стрелы - и свиток мой. ---> Решил поразвлекаЦЦа и заказал себе эмперор молоха в Терриньо. Сидел и поносил Бискупа всеми гадкими словами, потому что ничего не получил. ---> Заценил СМЦ. Подрался с окрутевшими гоблинами и крысами. Увидел extremely experienced annihilator и ретировался. О греха подальше. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screenshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^*^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=====^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^@.^ ^===""""~~ ^&&&&&&&~~~~~~~~~~~~^*^^=======^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^..^^ ^^===="""~~~~ &&&&&o&&&&&&&~~~~~~~&&&========="""""""&&^~^^*^.^^ ^^^^"""""~~~^^^ ^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&==""""""""""&&~~~^....^ ^^"""""~~^^*^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&""""=""""""""""&&&&&o..~^^^ ^^^"""~~~^^^^^^^ ^^^*^"""""""""""""""""""=="""""""""&&&&&&&&&&^^^^ ^^~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^""""""""""""""""""""=""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&~~^^^ ^*^~^^^^^~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"""""&&&&"""*&&&&""""=="""""&&&&&&&&&&&&~~*^^^^ ^^^*^^^^^~~~~~~"o""""^^"""""""""&&&&&&&&&......^^^^=="""""""&&o&&&&~~~^^ ^^^^^^^^~~~~"""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.^^*^^===""""""&&&&&&~~~^^^^^^ ^^^^^^~~~~~"""""""""""""""&&&&&&&*&*&&&&&&&&&....^^^^==="""&&""&&&~~~~~^^^ ^^^^&""""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&&.""""""===="""""~~~~~^^^^^^ ^^^^^&&""""""""""""""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&""""""==""====""~~~*^^^^^*^ ^^^^*^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&^^^*^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"""""===""""""""~~~~^^^^ ^~^ ^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&""""""=^^"""~^^^^^^^^^o^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Vv-sector St:88 Le:48 Wi:86 Dx:99 To:99 Ch:52 Ap: 9 Ma:35 Pe:41 L+ DV/PV: 71/51 H:1251(1251) P:34(817) Exp: 50/45145510 DrCh Sp: 146 Blessed Invisible Bloated Berserk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vv-sector Race: male Hurthling Class: Thief Eye color: green Hair color: blonde Complexion: tanned Height: 3'1" Weight: 74 pounds Age: 37 (grown-up) Star sign: Sword Birthday: 14/Sword (day 194 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents are travelling adventurers. They are doing moderately well but are talented enough to survive. In your childhood you were tortured by your cruel parents. They seemed to thoroughly hate and despise you. In your youth you worked a lot to become rich and famous later. Consequently you rarely had enough time to play with other kids of your age. As a young adult you had to work a lot to finance your apprenticeship. You were often tired and exhausted but all this was forgotten, when you finally achieved your goal. You decided to become a Thief. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 19279799 stones Carrying capacity: 32941503 stones ---> Впадлу было ковать и читать свитки. Показатели могли быть и выше. He: blessed helm of mental stability (+1, +1) [+1, +1] {Le+2} [100s] Ne: blessed ankh [3s] Bo: blessed ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s] ---> можно было надеть молоховскую броню. Тока ДэВэ было жалко:( Gi: blessed girdle of greed [+0, +0] [7s] Cl: uncursed cloak of invisibility (-1, +0) [+1, +0] [30s] RH: uncursed Trident of the Red Rooster (+36, 6d12+18) [+12, +12] {Ma+24} LH: - RR: blessed ring of slaying (+7 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] LR: uncursed ring of slaying (+9 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] Br: uncursed bracers of war [+8, +4] {Dx+8} [10s] Ga: blessed gloves of smiting [+3, +3] (+5 damage) [6s] ---> неплохая штукенция. показатели родные. лучшие (пока)of smiting, не так ли? Bo: blessed seven league boots [+6, +3] [30s] MW: blessed heavy crossbow "The Far Slayer" (+18, +18) [350s] Mi: bundle of 11 uncursed quarrels of demon slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [44s] Tl: uncursed pick axe of mayhem (+0, 3d6+7) [75s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 19278932 stones Carrying capacity: 32941503 stones Helmets ('[') blessed adamantium cap (+1, +1) [+0, +0] [36s] uncursed crown of science [+4, +8] {Le+9} [65s] heap of 3 uncursed helms of water breathing [+0, +1] [90s] blessed helm of mental stability [+1, +1] {Le+1} [100s] blessed diadem of beauty [+0, +0] {Ap+4} [35s] uncursed rusty helm of beauty [+0, +3] {Ap+1} [50s] uncursed iron crown [+0, +1] [65s] uncursed orcish helmet (+1, +1) [+1, +2] {Pe-2} [100s] uncursed silver helmet [+0, +0] [50s] uncursed orcish helmet [+1, +2] {Pe-2} [100s] heap of 3 uncursed hats [+0, +0] [12s] heap of 2 uncursed metal caps [+0, +1] [100s] heap of 4 uncursed eternium caps [+0, +4] [112s] blessed eternium cap [+0, +4] [28s] uncursed leather cap [+0, -2] [5s] uncursed rusty metal cap [+0, +1] [50s] uncursed helm of beauty [+0, +1] {Ap+1} [50s] uncursed metal cap [+0, +0] [50s] uncursed silver helmet [+3, +0] [50s] uncursed rusty metal cap (+1, -1) [+0, +1] [50s] uncursed mithril cap [+0, +2] [40s] uncursed hat [+2, +0] [4s] Armor ('[') uncursed leather armor of order [+0, +2] [150s] uncursed clean robe [+0, +1] {Ap+5} [60s] uncursed elven chain mail [+0, +5] [10s] uncursed black dragon scale mail (-2, -4) [-1, +11] [200s] uncursed eternium plate mail (-1, -2) [+0, +15] [240s] uncursed anti-magical mithril plate mail (-1, -3) [-3, +9] [400s] uncursed clean robe [+0, +0] {Ap+2} [60s] heap of 2 uncursed robes [+0, +1] [120s] uncursed robe of invisibility [+0, +1] [60s] uncursed ring mail (-1, -1) [-1, +1] [300s] uncursed gorgeous crystal chain mail (+0, -2) [+2, +9] [620s] uncursed fancy clothes [+4, +0] {Ap+1} [30s] uncursed shell armor (+0, -2) [-1, +2] [300s] uncursed scale mail (-1, -2) [-2, +5] [400s] uncursed eternium plate mail (-1, -2) [+2, +13] [240s] blessed eternium plate mail (-1, -2) [-2, +13] [240s] uncursed eternium plate mail (-1, -2) [+0, +13] [240s] heap of 3 uncursed eternium plate mails (-1, -2) [-1, +13] [720s] uncursed ultra-heavy robe [+0, +1] [480s] ---> :)))) uncursed clothes of defense (+1, +1) [+4, +0] [40s] uncursed ring mail (-1, -1) [-1, +3] [300s] uncursed plate mail (-2, -4) [-6, +5] [500s] ---> ДА! :))))) uncursed adamantium ring mail (-2, -1) [+0, +7] [216s] uncursed studded leather armor (-1, +0) [-1, +6] [250s] uncursed eternium plate mail of rage (-1, -2) [-1, +13] [240s] uncursed eternium plate mail (-1, -2) [-1, +16] [240s] uncursed soft adamantium chain mail (-1, -3) [+1, +9] [288s] uncursed leather armor [+1, +2] [150s] uncursed ugly clothes [+3, +0] {Ap-1} [50s] uncursed heavy clothes [-1, +0] [80s] uncursed clothes [+1, +0] [40s] uncursed adamantium scale mail (-1, -2) [+0, +10] [288s] uncursed crystal scale mail (+0, -1) [+3, +8] [620s] uncursed clothes [-3, +0] [40s] blessed thick furs (-2, -2) [+3, +2] [300s] uncursed clothes (-1, +1) [+0, +2] [40s] uncursed light furs (+1, +1) [+0, +2] [180s] uncursed leather armor [+0, +5] [150s] uncursed leather armor [+0, +2] [150s] uncursed adamantium chain mail (-1, -3) [-1, +9] [288s] uncursed ring mail [+2, +3] [300s] uncursed black robe [+0, +1] [50s] uncursed charged leather armor [+0, +3] [150s] uncursed ugly clothes [+2, +1] {Ap-1} [50s] uncursed heavy elven chain mail [+0, +5] [20s] cursed studded leather armor (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [250s] uncursed spider shell armor (+0, -2) [-1, +6] [300s] heap of 2 uncursed studded leather armors (-1, +0) [-3, +3] [500s] uncursed clothes [+2, +0] [40s] blessed clothes [+2, +0] [40s] heap of 2 blessed leather armors [+0, +2] [300s] uncursed leather armor of resilience [+0, +2] [150s] uncursed chain mail (-1, -3) [-3, +5] [400s] uncursed adamantium ring mail (-1, -2) [+0, +7] [216s] uncursed clothes of balance [+0, +0] [40s] uncursed clothes [+0, +3] [40s] uncursed ugly clothes [+0, +2] {Ap-1} [50s] uncursed studded leather armor (-2, +1) [-3, +1] [250s] uncursed green chain mail (-1, -3) [-3, +5] [400s] uncursed moloch armor (-8, -16) [-28, +50] {Dx-18} (-18 spd) [15000s] uncursed moloch armor (-8, -16) [-28, +50] {Dx-17} (-17 spd) [15000s] ---> из нижней можно было сделать конфетку (при некоторой доле упорства и удачи) Ни того ни другого у меня не было:) Shields ('[') uncursed medium obsidian shield "Protector" [+20, +4] {To+2} [46s] uncursed small eternium shield [+7, +1] [24s] heap of 2 uncursed large mithril shields (-1) [+7, +3] [192s] uncursed large eternium shield (-1) [+11, +5] [54s] uncursed medium adamantium shield [+7, +4] [72s] heap of 2 uncursed medium crystal shields [+9, +4] [320s] heap of 2 uncursed medium shields [+3, +4] [200s] uncursed medium adamantium shield [+7, +2] [72s] uncursed tower crystal shield (-2) [+13, +6] [260s] blessed medium adamantium shield (+2) [+7, +2] [72s] uncursed large crystal shield (-1) [+10, +2] [210s] uncursed small shield [+4, +0] [50s] uncursed medium adamantium shield (+3) [+10, +5] [72s] uncursed large mithril shield (-1) [+5, +2] [96s] uncursed medium eternium shield (+2) [+9, +3] [46s] uncursed large mithril shield (-1) [+7, +2] [96s] uncursed medium eternium shield (+3) [+9, +3] [46s] uncursed medium eternium shield (+1) [+9, +3] [46s] uncursed medium eternium shield [+9, +6] [46s] heap of 2 uncursed small shields (+2) [+2, +0] [100s] heap of 3 uncursed medium eternium shields [+9, +3] [138s] uncursed medium eternium shield [+9, +5] [46s] uncursed medium eternium shield (+2) [+6, +3] [46s] uncursed small adamantium shield [+5, +2] [36s] uncursed small crystal shield [+8, +2] [72s] uncursed large shield (-1) [+6, +1] [120s] uncursed medium adamantium shield (-1) [+7, +2] [72s] uncursed small shield [+0, +1] [50s] blessed small shield [+2, +0] [50s] uncursed small shield (-1) [+0, +1] [50s] uncursed small adamantium shield [+5, +1] [36s] heap of 2 uncursed wooden shields (+3) [+3, +1] [160s] uncursed small shield (-1) [+2, -1] [50s] heap of 2 uncursed small mithril shields [+3, +1] [80s] uncursed large eternium shield (-1) [+12, +8] [54s] blessed tower crystal shield (-1) [+13, +4] [260s] heap of 5 uncursed small shields [+2, +0] [250s] uncursed wooden shield (+3) [+3, +4] [80s] uncursed large mithril shield (-1) [+7, -1] [96s] uncursed wooden shield (+1) [+3, +2] [80s] uncursed small adamantium shield (+3) [+5, -1] [36s] uncursed small crystal shield (+3) [+5, +0] [72s] heap of 2 uncursed wooden shields [+3, +1] [160s] uncursed small shield (+1) [+5, +0] [50s] uncursed medium shield (-3) [+3, +1] [100s] uncursed medium shield [+4, +1] [100s] uncursed large shield [+2, +3] [120s] uncursed rusty small shield [+2, +0] [50s] Gauntlets ('[') uncursed gloves of smiting [+0, +0] (-1 damage) [6s] uncursed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] uncursed gloves of smiting [-2, +0] (+0 damage) [6s] uncursed gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +1] [10s] blessed gauntlets of strength (-1, +0) [+2, +1] {St+3} [40s] uncursed gloves (+1, +1) [+3, +0] [6s] blessed white leather gauntlets (+1, +1) [+0, +2] [10s] uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, -2] [15s] uncursed rusty gauntlets of strength (-1, +0) [+1, -2] {St+6} [40s] ---> почти Айронфист uncursed thick gauntlets (+0, -1) [+0, +1] [15s] uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+1, +1] [15s] heap of 2 uncursed pairs of thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, +1] [30s] uncursed gloves [+0, +7] [6s] blessed gloves (+1, +1) [+0, +0] [6s] blessed gloves [+0, +0] [6s] blessed gauntlets (-2, +1) [+3, +1] [10s] heap of 2 uncursed pairs of gloves of dexterity [+0, +0] {Dx+2} [12s] uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+3, +1] [15s] uncursed gloves [+1, +0] [6s] uncursed blue dragon-hide gauntlets (-2, +0) [+1, +2] [10s] cursed brass knuckles [+0, +0] [10s] uncursed gloves of smiting [+1, +0] (-1 damage) [6s] uncursed gloves [+0, +0] [6s] blessed blue dragon-hide gauntlets (-2, +0) [+1, +2] [10s] cursed blue leather gauntlets [+0, +1] [10s] uncursed gauntlets of strength (-1, +0) [-1, +2] {St+4} [40s] uncursed blue leather gauntlets [+0, +4] [10s] uncursed gloves of dexterity [+0, +0] {Dx+2} [6s] Cloaks ('[') heap of 3 uncursed cloaks of protection [+0, +3] [60s] uncursed leather cloak (-1, +0) [-1, +0] [40s] uncursed light cloak [+3, +0] [20s] uncursed hooded cloak [+1, +0] [40s] uncursed cloak of adornment [+0, +2] {Ap+4} [40s] blessed hooded cloak (+1, -1) [+1, +1] [40s] blessed hooded cloak (-1, +1) [+1, +0] [40s] uncursed cloak of defense [+4, +0] [20s] Girdles ('[') heap of 2 uncursed girdles of weight [+0, +0] [80s] heap of 2 uncursed eternium girdles [+0, +4] [24s] heap of 3 uncursed adamantium girdles [+0, +3] [54s] heap of 5 uncursed girdles of greed [+0, +0] [35s] blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] heap of 2 uncursed mithril girdles [+0, +2] [40s] heap of 3 uncursed girdles of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [45s] uncursed metal girdle [+0, +1] [25s] uncursed money belt [+0, +0] [5s] heap of 2 uncursed leather girdles [+0, +0] [10s] uncursed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] blessed mithril girdle [+0, +2] [20s] uncursed adamantium girdle [+0, +4] [18s] Boots ('[') uncursed boots of sneakiness (+1, +1) [+0, +3] {Dx+2} [20s] blessed heavy boots [+0, +3] [30s] uncursed boots of speed [+3, +0] (+8 spd) [20s] uncursed adamantium boots [+0, +3] [89s] uncursed boots of the slow shuffle [-6, +0] (-40 spd) [20s] uncursed leather boots [+0, +3] [25s] uncursed spiked boots (+1, +1) [-3, +2] [30s] blessed eternium boots [+2, +5] [55s] heap of 2 blessed pairs of eternium boots [+0, +5] [110s] uncursed sandals (+1, +1) [-1, +1] [6s] uncursed eternium boots [+2, +5] [55s] uncursed adamantium boots [+1, +3] [89s] blessed leather boots [-3, +1] [25s] blessed heavy boots [-3, +1] [30s] heap of 3 uncursed pairs of eternium boots [+0, +5] [165s] uncursed light boots [+0, +1] [20s] uncursed heavy boots (+1, +1) [+2, +1] [30s] uncursed mithril boots [-1, +2] [96s] uncursed boots of speed [+2, +0] (+8 spd) [20s] uncursed light boots [+2, +0] [20s] uncursed iron boots [-1, +1] [120s] uncursed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] Necklaces (''') heap of 2 blessed amulets of order [6s] heap of 10 uncursed amulets of the cold heart {Ch-12} [30s] uncursed amulet of defense +2 [3s] heap of 9 uncursed brass amulets [27s] heap of 7 uncursed necklaces of rabies resistance [14s] heap of 5 uncursed amulets of balance [15s] heap of 3 uncursed amulets of health [9s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of perseverance {Wi+3} [6s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of the cold heart {Ch-11} [6s] uncursed amulet of death ray resistance [7s] heap of 4 uncursed amulets of greed [12s] heap of 2 uncursed necklaces of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [4s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of protection +2 [6s] heap of 3 uncursed amulets of free action [9s] blessed amulet of protection +2 [3s] heap of 2 blessed amulets of light [6s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of protection from constructs [6s] heap of 3 uncursed amulets of teleport control [9s] heap of 5 uncursed amulets of light [15s] heap of 2 uncursed amulets of petrification resistance [6s] heap of 3 uncursed necklaces of rapid healing [6s] blessed necklace of rapid healing [2s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+5} [3s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] uncursed pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s] uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [2s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+6} [3s] uncursed necklace of the eye [3s] blessed amulet of perseverance {Wi+4} [3s] blessed amulet of petrification resistance [3s] blessed pendant of beauty {Ap+4} [3s] Bracers (',') heap of 2 blessed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [20s] heap of 7 uncursed brass bracers [+0, +0] [70s] uncursed bracers of protection [+0, +2] [10s] uncursed bracers of speed [+0, +0] (+4 spd) [10s] uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] uncursed bracers of regeneration [+0, +0] [18s] blessed bracers of protection [+0, +2] [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') blessed unbalanced hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] uncursed emerald dagger "Serpent's Bite" (+3, 3d4+3) [+3, +1] [13s] ---> очередное переименование uncursed whip (-2, 1d3) [15s] uncursed sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s] uncursed long sword (+2, 1d8) [40s] uncursed long sword (+0, 1d8+2) [40s] uncursed hand axe (+3, 1d6+2) [50s] uncursed large eternium hammer (+2, 2d10+10) [55s] blessed orcish knife (+0, 1d3+2) [10s] blessed short spear (+1, 1d6+3) [40s] uncursed battle axe (+0, 1d6+5) [70s] blessed flail (+0, 2d4+3) [150s] blessed heavy mace (+3, 2d5+8) [-2, +0] [200s] uncursed broken pick axe (+1, 1d6-1) [75s] blessed thin dagger "Cat's Claw" (+4, 3d3) {Dx+8} [10s] ---> первый раз мой вор получает этот кинжальчик. Глупая вещица. Вот был бы он хоть как нибудь заколдован.... а так - :( uncursed eternium warhammer (+0, 4d3+8) [29s] blessed dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion" (+3, 3d6+6) [+4, +4] {To+3} blessed eternium dagger (-1, 2d4+10) [5s] uncursed rabbit knife (+0, 1d3+4) [8s] uncursed broken pick axe (+0, 1d6+4) [75s] uncursed adamantium dagger (+1, 1d4+6) [7s] uncursed adamantium broadsword (+0, 1d7+7) [57s] uncursed heavy dagger (+1, 1d4) [20s] heap of 3 uncursed daggers (+0, 1d4) [30s] uncursed eternium mace (+0, 2d6+8) [55s] heap of 2 uncursed adamantium daggers (+0, 1d4+5) [14s] heap of 2 uncursed adamantium battle axes (+0, 1d6+7) [100s] heap of 2 uncursed adamantium spears (+1, 1d8+4) [72s] uncursed mithril battle axe (+0, 1d6+5) [56s] uncursed mithril long sword (+0, 1d8+3) [32s] uncursed whip (-4, 1d3) [15s] blessed adamantium dagger (+0, 1d4+5) [7s] uncursed mithril mace (+2, 1d6+4) [80s] uncursed adamantium spear (+1, 1d8+8) [36s] blessed dagger of death (+8, 5d5+8) [10s] uncursed hefty spear (+2, 1d8+5) [60s] uncursed adamantium long sword (+0, 1d8+7) [28s] uncursed mithril broadsword (+0, 1d7+5) [64s] heap of 2 uncursed daggers (+3, 1d4) [20s] uncursed whip (-1, 1d3+3) [15s] uncursed rabbit knife (+2, 1d3+5) [8s] uncursed hatchet (+0, 1d6-2) [50s] uncursed rusty short sword (+0, 1d6) [30s] blessed hand axe (+0, 1d6+3) [50s] uncursed dagger of fumbling (+0, 1d4) [10s] blessed black rune-covered dagger "Needle" (+8, 3d4) [+4, +1] [10s] uncursed mithril broadsword (+0, 1d7+6) [64s] uncursed knife (+0, 1d3+1) [8s] uncursed skull dagger (+0, 1d4+3) [10s] uncursed broadsword (+0, 1d7+2) [80s] uncursed eternium long sword (-3, 2d8+7) [20s] uncursed eternium long sword (+0, 2d8+9) [20s] uncursed short sword of surrendering (-3, 1d6-2) [30s] uncursed stone spear (+0, 1d8+1) [120s] uncursed eternium long sword (+3, 2d8+10) [20s] uncursed hand axe (+3, 1d6+3) [50s] uncursed spear of vampirism (+4, 1d8) [50s] uncursed white eternium long sword (+1, 2d8+7) [20s] uncursed scourge of the eagle (-1, 1d3+3) [25s] uncursed murderous scourge (-5, 1d3+4) [25s] uncursed scourge (-3, 1d3+4) [25s] uncursed scourge (-4, 1d3+3) [25s] uncursed adamantium scimitar of might (+1, 1d8+6) [28s] heap of 2 uncursed scourges (-4, 1d3+2) [50s] uncursed eternium long sword (+1, 2d8+7) [20s] uncursed short spear (+2, 1d6) [40s] uncursed hefty mithril dagger (-1, 1d4+10) [9s] uncursed eternium long sword (+0, 2d8+7) [20s] uncursed adamantium long sword (+0, 1d8+5) [28s] uncursed barbaric adamantium warhammer (-4, 2d3+11) [43s] blessed spear of devastation (+4, 5d8+9) [50s] uncursed crystal dagger (+0, 2d3+4) [25s] blessed eternium long sword (+2, 2d8+5) [20s] uncursed eternium long sword (+2, 2d8+9) [20s] blessed eternium long sword (-2, 2d8+8) [20s] heap of 2 uncursed eternium long swords (+2, 2d8+7) [40s] uncursed eternium long sword (-1, 2d8+10) [20s] uncursed adamantium warhammer (+0, 2d3+6) [43s] uncursed battle axe of penetration (+3, 1d6+2) [70s] ---> фазовый топор :) blessed broadsword (-3, 1d7+3) [80s] uncursed eternium mace (+0, 2d6+9) [55s] blessed orcish spear (+1, 1d8+2) [75s] uncursed spear (+3, 1d8+3) [50s] blessed pick axe (+0, 1d6+3) [75s] uncursed extra-heavy pick axe (+1, 1d6+1) [300s] uncursed adamantium scimitar (+0, 1d8+6) [28s] uncursed eternium warhammer (+0, 4d3+9) [29s] uncursed poisonous adamantium scimitar (+0, 1d8+9) [28s] uncursed adamantium dagger (-3, 1d4+5) [7s] blessed mithril dagger (+0, 1d4+3) [8s] uncursed weeping adamantium mace (+0, 1d6+7) [72s] uncursed adamantium mace of might (+0, 1d6+7) [72s] uncursed large mithril hammer (-1, 1d10+4) [96s] blessed spear (+1, 1d8) [50s] uncursed heavy cudgel (-1, 2d5-2) [-2, +0] [70s] uncursed adamantium long sword (+3, 1d8+7) [28s] uncursed orcish knife (+2, 1d3-1) [10s] uncursed mithril spear (+3, 1d8+3) [40s] uncursed broadsword (-2, 1d7+3) [80s] uncursed adamantium dagger (+1, 1d4+5) [7s] uncursed hand axe (-1, 1d6+3) [50s] blessed mithril mace (+0, 1d6+5) [80s] uncursed short spear (+1, 1d6+3) [40s] uncursed hand axe (+0, 1d6) [50s] uncursed scourge (-1, 1d3-2) [25s] uncursed dagger (+0, 1d4-2) [10s] uncursed adamantium spear (+1, 1d8+6) [36s] uncursed morning star (+3, 2d5+3) [-2, +0] [175s] uncursed pick axe (-1, 1d6+4) [75s] uncursed hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] uncursed short sword of mayhem (+0, 3d6+8) [30s] uncursed mithril long sword (+0, 1d8+5) [32s] uncursed large hammer (+1, 1d10+5) [120s] uncursed broadsword (+0, 1d7+3) [80s] uncursed balanced battle axe (+6, 1d6+2) [70s] uncursed long sword (+2, 1d8+2) [40s] uncursed barbaric dagger (-4, 1d4+7) [10s] uncursed eternium mace (+2, 2d6+5) [55s] blessed battle axe (+0, 1d6+2) [70s] uncursed short sword (+0, 1d6-2) [30s] uncursed adamantium broadsword (+0, 1d7+8) [57s] uncursed eternium warhammer (-1, 4d3+8) [29s] blessed eternium warhammer (-1, 4d3+8) [29s] uncursed skull club (+1, 1d6+4) [30s] uncursed heavy spear (-1, 1d8+2) [100s] blessed mithril warhammer (+1, 2d3+3) [48s] heap of 2 uncursed heavy maces (+3, 2d5+3) [-2, +0] [400s] blessed black rune-covered dagger "Sting" (+8, 3d4) [+4, +1] [10s] uncursed club of surrendering (+0, 1d6) [30s] uncursed rusty phase dagger (-1, 1d4) [5s] cursed stone spear (+3, 1d8+3) [120s] uncursed green mithril spear (+2, 1d8+4) [40s] uncursed mithril broadsword (+2, 1d7+4) [64s] uncursed light mithril spear (+1, 1d8+3) [20s] blessed adamantium warhammer (+0, 2d3+3) [43s] uncursed morning star of the sun (+1, 2d5) [-2, +0] [175s] uncursed short spear (-1, 1d6) [40s] uncursed orcish dagger (+3, 1d4+2) [10s] uncursed orcish battle axe (-1, 1d7+4) [120s] blessed broken murderous dagger of vampirism (+0, 1d4) [10s] uncursed adamantium broadsword (+0, 1d7+10) [57s] blessed chaotic short sword (+0, 1d6) [30s] cursed hand axe (+0, 1d6-3) [50s] uncursed hatchet (+0, 1d6+4) [50s] blessed ashen stone axe of weakness (+0, 1d7+1) [170s] blessed mace (+0, 1d6+2) [100s] uncursed spear (+3, 1d8) [50s] uncursed broadsword (-3, 1d7+3) [80s] uncursed cudgel (+2, 2d4+3) [-1, +0] [40s] uncursed mithril mace (+2, 1d6+6) [80s] uncursed adamantium broadsword (+1, 1d7+7) [57s] uncursed broadsword (+1, 1d7+3) [80s] uncursed sickle (+0, 1d4+5) [55s] uncursed dagger (+0, 1d4+2) [10s] uncursed broken sickle (+0, 1d4+2) [55s] cursed dagger (+3, 1d4+1) [10s] uncursed dagger (+1, 1d4) [10s] uncursed mace of destruction (+6, 5d6+6) [120s] uncursed spear (+1, 1d8) [50s] cursed club (+2, 1d6) [30s] uncursed long sword (+1, 1d8+3) [40s] blessed red mithril broadsword (+1, 1d7+6) [64s] uncursed ashen eternium long sword (+0, 2d8+9) [20s] uncursed ashen pick axe (+2, 1d6+1) [75s] blessed dagger (+0, 1d4+2) [10s] cursed mithril scimitar (+0, 1d8+6) [32s] uncursed wicked pick axe (+2, 1d9+2) [75s] Two-handed weapons ('(') uncursed rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0] [50s] uncursed skull staff (+0, 1d10+4) [40s] heap of 2 uncursed great axes (+2, 2d7+3) [-2, +0] [210s] heap of 3 uncursed quarterstaves (+0, 1d10) [120s] uncursed heavy flail (+2, 4d4+5) [-3, +0] [200s] uncursed great axe (+2, 2d7-1) [-2, +0] [105s] uncursed mithril two-handed sword (+6, 3d5+7) [-1, +0] [80s] uncursed adamantium two-handed sword (+12, 3d5+12) [-1, +0] [70s] uncursed heavy flail (+4, 4d4+2) [-3, +0] [200s] heap of 2 uncursed two-handed swords (+3, 3d5+3) [-1, +0] [200s] heap of 2 uncursed eternium halberds (+11, 4d7+10) [-2, +0] [100s] uncursed adamantium-shod quarterstaff of the eagle (+0, 1d10+8) [57s] uncursed scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" (+6, 10d4+6) [+2, +2] [70s] heap of 2 uncursed eternium halberds (+11, 4d7+8) [-2, +0] [100s] uncursed eternium halberd (+14, 4d7+11) [-2, +0] [50s] uncursed eternium halberd of fumbling (+11, 4d7+11) [-2, +0] [50s] heap of 2 uncursed halberds of defense (+7, 2d7+4) [+18, +0] [160s] uncursed eternium-shod quarterstaff (+0, 2d10+12) [40s] uncursed staff of smiting (+4, 1d37+2) [30s] uncursed eternium-shod quarterstaff of vampirism (+0, 2d10+10) [40s] uncursed eternium halberd (+11, 4d7+11) [-2, +0] [50s] uncursed poisonous eternium two-handed sword (+18, 6d5+18) [-1, +0][50s] blessed heavy club (+1, 1d10+4) [-1, +0] [120s] blessed two-handed sword of parrying (+4, 3d5+3) [+16, +0] [100s] uncursed eternium two-handed sword of damnation (+18, 6d5+20) [-1, +0] heap of 2 uncursed quarterstaves (+2, 1d10) [80s] uncursed mithril two-handed sword (+6, 3d5+6) [-1, +0] [80s] blessed great axe (+2, 2d7+5) [-2, +0] [105s] uncursed balanced two-handed sword (+8, 3d5+3) [-1, +0] [100s] uncursed halberd (+5, 2d7+1) [-2, +0] [100s] uncursed heavy skull club (+4, 1d10+3) [-1, +0] [120s] heap of 2 blessed quarterstaves (+0, 1d10) [80s] uncursed iron-shod quarterstaff of corruption (+4, 1d10+5) [80s] uncursed mithril two-handed sword (+6, 3d5+9) [-1, +0] [80s] uncursed mithril two-handed sword of penetration (+6, 3d5+6) [-1, +0] ---> почти как в прошлый раз. Тот этерниумный двуручник теперь будет мне являтся во сне :) uncursed mithril halberd (+9, 2d7+3) [-2, +0] [80s] blessed halberd of defense (+7, 2d7+4) [+18, +0] [80s] uncursed scythe (-2, 2d6+3) [-1, +0] [80s] uncursed eternium-shod quarterstaff (+0, 2d10+10) [40s] uncursed adamantium halberd of mayhem (+9, 4d7+13) [-2, +0] [70s] blessed mithril halberd (+10, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] uncursed eternium two-handed sword (+15, 6d5+18) [-1, +0] [50s] uncursed mithril-shod quarterstaff (+2, 1d10+6) [64s] uncursed adamantium halberd (+9, 2d7+6) [-2, +0] [70s] uncursed two-handed sword (+5, 3d5+6) [-1, +0] [100s] uncursed two-handed sword of parrying (+3, 3d5+5) [+16, +0] [100s] uncursed weeping trident (+2, 3d5+4) [70s] uncursed great axe (+4, 2d7+2) [-2, +0] [105s] blessed staff of smiting (+4, 1d37+2) [30s] cursed quarterstaff (+0, 1d10+2) [40s] uncursed mithril halberd (+9, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] uncursed iron-shod quarterstaff (+4, 1d10+7) [80s] uncursed iron-shod quarterstaff (+3, 1d10+5) [80s] uncursed quarterstaff (+0, 1d10+2) [40s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed sling (+0, +1) [3s] heap of 2 uncursed light crossbows of accuracy (+8, +3) [140s] uncursed sling (+1, -2) [3s] heap of 2 uncursed slings (+0, +4) [6s] blessed short bow (+0, +0) [20s] uncursed sling (-3, +2) [3s] uncursed sling (+3, +2) [3s] uncursed long bow of hunting (+6, +4) [30s] ---> совершенно не нужен в 1.1.1. Раньше с ним можно было круто поохотится, а теперь - в связи с упразднением накачки (заметьте, ЧЕСТНОЙ) утерял свое ототничье предназначение blessed light crossbow of accuracy (+10, +0) [70s] uncursed sling (-2, -2) [3s] uncursed long bow of hunting (+7, +5) [30s] uncursed sling (+0, +3) [3s] blessed sling (+0, +1) [3s] uncursed sling (+3, +1) [3s] uncursed sling of accuracy (+3, +2) [3s] uncursed rusty light crossbow (+2, +1) [70s] uncursed long bow of accuracy (+8, +2) [30s] uncursed short bow of accuracy (+6, +0) [20s] uncursed sling (+1, +1) [3s] Missiles ('*') heap of 88 uncursed rocks (+2, 1d4) [440s] heap of 3 uncursed huge rocks (-10, 10d6) [3000s] bundle of 62 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [124s] cursed arrow (+0, 1d6) [2s] blessed arrow (+1, 1d6) [2s] heap of 46 blessed rocks (+0, 1d4) [230s] bundle of 5 uncursed black hurthling quarrels (+1, 1d3+2) [10s] heap of 60 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4+3) [300s] bundle of 6 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6-3) [12s] uncursed throwing club (+2, 1d8+1) [30s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows of jelly slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [12s] uncursed rock (+1, 1d4-1) [5s] bundle of 4 uncursed black hurthling quarrels (+2, 1d3+2) [8s] bundle of 6 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+6) [12s] bundle of 7 uncursed lead sling bullets (+3, 1d5-2) [21s] bundle of 4 uncursed eternium drakish scurgari (+9, 2d8+10) [20s] bundle of 4 uncursed quarrels of giant slaying (+3, 2d8+6) [16s] bundle of 3 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [6s] uncursed arrow of slaying (+0, 1d6) [2s] uncursed rock (-3, 1d4+3) [5s] bundle of 14 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+3, 1d4+3) [28s] bundle of 3 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+5, 1d4+3) [6s] bundle of 5 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+3, 1d4+5) [10s] blessed black hurthling quarrel (+1, 1d3+2) [2s] bundle of 3 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+3, 1d4+4) [6s] bundle of 4 uncursed throwing clubs (+0, 1d8) [120s] bundle of 2 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+3, 1d4+6) [4s] bundle of 6 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+4, 1d4+3) [12s] bundle of 6 uncursed mithril sling bullets (+1, 2d5) [18s] bundle of 32 uncursed arrows (+2, 1d6) [64s] heap of 75 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4+1) [375s] heap of 31 uncursed rocks (+1, 1d4) [155s] bundle of 9 uncursed lead sling bullets (+5, 1d5+1) [27s] bundle of 3 uncursed arrows (+1, 1d6) [6s] blessed rock (-2, 1d4) [5s] heap of 65 uncursed rocks (+3, 1d4) [325s] heap of 370 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4) [1850s] bundle of 3 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+6, 1d4+3) [6s] bundle of 11 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [22s] heap of 44 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4+2) [220s] bundle of 9 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [36s] bundle of 30 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+2) [60s] heap of 16 uncursed rocks (+2, 1d4+1) [80s] uncursed rock (-2, 1d4+2) [5s] bundle of 5 uncursed dark elven quarrels (+4, 1d4+5) [10s] heap of 15 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4-2) [75s] heap of 7 uncursed rocks (-3, 1d4) [35s] blessed rock (+1, 1d4) [5s] bundle of 7 uncursed delicate arrows (+0, 1d6) [14s] bundle of 8 uncursed sling bullets of crashing (+5, 5d5) [24s] bundle of 15 uncursed arrows of demon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [30s] uncursed dark elven quarrel (+6, 1d4+4) [2s] bundle of 4 uncursed mithril arrows (+3, 1d6+5) [8s] uncursed quarrel of slaying (+1, 2d6) [2s] heap of 13 blessed rocks (+0, 1d4-2) [65s] heap of 5 uncursed rocks (+1, 1d4-3) [25s] bundle of 3 blessed mithril arrows (+3, 1d6+3) [6s] heap of 6 blessed rocks (-2, 1d4+2) [30s] heap of 4 uncursed rocks (-2, 1d4) [20s] heap of 8 blessed rocks (+2, 1d4-2) [40s] bundle of 6 blessed eternium drakish scurgari (+8, 2d8+12) [30s] bundle of 4 uncursed mithril drakish scurgari (+7, 1d8+4) [32s] uncursed throwing club (+2, 1d8) [30s] bundle of 12 uncursed winged arrows (+3, 1d6) [24s] blessed throwing knife (+1, 1d3+2) [8s] bundle of 8 uncursed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+4) [16s] bundle of 9 blessed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [18s] heap of 14 uncursed rocks (+3, 1d4+2) [70s] bundle of 22 uncursed arrows of humanoid slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [44s] bundle of 2 uncursed eternium quarrels (+1, 4d6+8) [2s] bundle of 22 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [44s] bundle of 6 uncursed quarrels of giant slaying (+3, 2d8+3) [24s] bundle of 17 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [34s] heap of 12 uncursed rocks (+1, 1d4+3) [60s] blessed huge rock (-10, 10d6) [1000s] bundle of 10 blessed quarrels of dragon slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [40s] bundle of 7 uncursed arrows of undead slaying (+5, 2d4+3) [14s] blessed obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke" (+8, 20d4+8) [2s] uncursed throwing club (+0, 1d8-1) [30s] bundle of 10 uncursed quarrels (+2, 2d6+1) [20s] bundle of 7 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+4, 2d6+6) [28s] uncursed throwing knife (-1, 1d3+5) [8s] uncursed throwing club (+3, 1d8+1) [30s] bundle of 19 uncursed arrows of giant slaying (+3, 1d10+3) [38s] bundle of 4 uncursed sling bullets of demon slaying (+6, 2d3) [12s] bundle of 7 uncursed lead sling bullets (+3, 1d5) [21s] bundle of 5 uncursed adamantium arrows (+4, 1d6+7) [5s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows of giant slaying (+3, 1d10+3) [12s] bundle of 5 uncursed drakish scurgari (+2, 1d8+2) [50s] bundle of 5 uncursed penetrating arrows (+0, 1d6) [10s] bundle of 9 uncursed drakish scurgari of death (+12, 6d8+6) [90s] bundle of 15 uncursed unbalanced arrows (-6, 1d6+3) [30s] uncursed quarrel of construct slaying (+6, 2d6+3) [4s] bundle of 15 uncursed adamantium drakish scurgari (+7, 1d8+7) [105s] bundle of 8 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+1, 2d6+3) [32s] bundle of 7 blessed quarrels of giant slaying (+3, 2d8+5) [28s] uncursed heavy throwing club (-2, 2d6+1) [80s] heap of 6 uncursed rocks (-1, 1d4+1) [30s] bundle of 17 uncursed mithril sling bullets (+4, 2d5) [51s] bundle of 7 uncursed drakish scurgari of returning (+2, 2d6+3) [70s] heap of 9 blessed rocks (-3, 1d4) [45s] bundle of 2 uncursed mithril arrows of thunder (+0, 1d6+6) [4s] uncursed arrow (+2, 1d6+3) [2s] bundle of 5 uncursed quarrels of thunder (+1, 2d6) [10s] bundle of 3 blessed black hurthling quarrels (+4, 1d3+2) [6s] bundle of 9 uncursed adamantium arrows (+1, 1d6+7) [9s] bundle of 10 uncursed arrows of thunder (+0, 1d6+2) [20s] bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of dragon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [12s] bundle of 8 uncursed quarrels of demon slaying (+3, 2d6+5) [32s] heap of 13 uncursed rocks (+2, 1d4+2) [65s] blessed rock (+0, 1d4+2) [5s] heap of 6 uncursed rocks (+2, 1d4+3) [30s] blessed rock (+0, 1d4+1) [5s] bundle of 8 uncursed eternium arrows (+1, 2d6+8) [8s] heap of 5 uncursed rocks (-1, 1d4) [25s] heap of 4 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4-3) [20s] uncursed rock (+1, 1d4+2) [5s] bundle of 6 uncursed lead sling bullets (+4, 1d5+2) [18s] heap of 8 blessed rocks (+3, 1d4) [40s] bundle of 14 uncursed arrows of humanoid slaying (+3, 1d6+6) [28s] bundle of 8 uncursed lead sling bullets (+1, 1d5+1) [24s] bundle of 3 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+5) [6s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows of undead slaying (+3, 2d4+6) [12s] bundle of 8 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+3, 2d6+1) [32s] bundle of 4 uncursed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+2) [8s] bundle of 2 uncursed throwing clubs (+3, 1d8) [60s] bundle of 4 uncursed arrows of giant slaying (+6, 1d10+3) [8s] blessed throwing knife (+2, 1d3-1) [8s] bundle of 3 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+6) [6s] bundle of 8 uncursed adamantium sling bullets (+5, 3d4) [24s] bundle of 5 uncursed eternium drakish scurgari (+9, 2d8+11) [25s] heap of 8 uncursed rocks (+3, 1d4+1) [40s] bundle of 22 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+1) [44s] bundle of 3 uncursed adamantium quarrels (-2, 2d6+6) [3s] bundle of 15 uncursed arrows (+2, 1d6+1) [30s] heap of 12 blessed rocks (+1, 1d4+2) [60s] heap of 7 blessed rocks (+2, 1d4) [35s] bundle of 9 uncursed rusty lead sling bullets (+6, 1d5) [27s] heap of 16 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4-1) [80s] bundle of 10 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6+1) [20s] bundle of 6 uncursed lead sling bullets (+4, 1d5+3) [18s] bundle of 8 uncursed eternium sling bullets (+5, 3d5+2) [24s] uncursed throwing knife of slaying (+1, 1d3+2) [8s] bundle of 12 uncursed quarrels of undead slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [48s] heap of 4 blessed rocks (+2, 1d4+1) [20s] bundle of 5 blessed mithril quarrels of darkness (+1, 2d6+4) [10s] bundle of 9 uncursed black hurthling quarrels (+1, 1d3+4) [18s] uncursed throwing club (+0, 1d8+3) [30s] bundle of 8 uncursed lead sling bullets (+1, 1d5) [24s] bundle of 2 uncursed eternium drakish scurgari (+11, 2d8+9) [10s] bundle of 11 uncursed arrows of dragon slaying (+3, 1d6+5) [22s] bundle of 7 uncursed weighted arrows (-3, 1d6+4) [14s] uncursed arrow of hunting (+1, 1d6+1) [2s] bundle of 9 uncursed drakish scurgari of returning (+2, 2d6+2) [90s] uncursed huge rock (-10, 10d6-3) [1000s] bundle of 2 uncursed drakish scurgari of returning (-1, 2d6+2) [20s] bundle of 23 uncursed quarrels of humanoid slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [92s] uncursed huge rock (-10, 10d6+3) [1000s] uncursed weighted boomerang (+3, 2d4+5) [20s] bundle of 4 uncursed black hurthling quarrels (+1, 1d3+3) [8s] bundle of 11 uncursed arrows of jelly slaying (+0, 2d4+4) [22s] bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of giant slaying (+5, 1d10+3) [16s] uncursed throwing club (-3, 1d8-6) [30s] heap of 6 blessed rocks (+3, 1d4-2) [30s] bundle of 10 uncursed mithril sling bullets of targeting (+12, 2d5+2) uncursed curved throwing club (+0, 2d5) [30s] uncursed throwing club (+1, 1d8+1) [30s] bundle of 13 uncursed quarrels (+2, 2d6) [26s] bundle of 4 uncursed eternium arrows of darkness (+1, 2d6+8) [4s] bundle of 4 uncursed drakish scurgari of returning (+2, 2d6+4) [40s] bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of thunder (+0, 1d6+1) [16s] bundle of 5 uncursed quarrels of dragon slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [20s] bundle of 2 uncursed throwing knives (+1, 1d3+5) [16s] bundle of 9 uncursed adamantium sling bullets (+5, 3d4+2) [27s] bundle of 15 blessed balanced arrows of hunting (+4, 1d6+3) [30s] bundle of 9 uncursed quarrels of construct slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [36s] bundle of 5 uncursed barbed mithril arrows (-3, 1d6+9) [10s] heap of 3 uncursed rocks (+1, 1d4+1) [15s] uncursed quarrel (-2, 2d6) [2s] bundle of 14 uncursed quarrels (+4, 2d6-2) [28s] bundle of 7 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+5, 1d6+3) [14s] uncursed dagger of returning (+4, 1d4) [10s] bundle of 10 uncursed eternium sling bullets (+5, 3d5) [30s] bundle of 10 uncursed arrows of jelly slaying (+2, 2d4+2) [20s] bundle of 18 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6-2) [36s] bundle of 3 uncursed drakish scurgari (+2, 1d8+4) [30s] bundle of 4 uncursed eternium arrows (+2, 2d6+8) [4s] bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of undead slaying (+4, 2d4+5) [16s] uncursed arrow (-3, 1d6+3) [2s] bundle of 6 uncursed eternium drakish scurgari (+9, 2d8+9) [30s] bundle of 8 blessed arrows of demon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [16s] bundle of 18 uncursed arrows (+2, 1d6-2) [36s] bundle of 7 uncursed mithril arrows of targeting (+6, 1d6+3) [14s] bundle of 18 cursed rusty quarrels (+1, 2d6+3) [36s] bundle of 4 uncursed arrows of demon slaying (+0, 1d6+3) [8s] bundle of 8 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+3, 2d6+4) [32s] uncursed throwing knife of hunting (+1, 1d3+2) [8s] uncursed penetrating throwing knife (+2, 1d3+2) [8s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows of jelly slaying (+4, 2d4+6) [12s] bundle of 10 cursed arrows of demon slaying (+4, 1d6+3) [20s] bundle of 14 uncursed quarrels of thunder (+1, 2d6+2) [28s] bundle of 11 cursed quarrels of darkness (+1, 2d6+2) [22s] bundle of 9 uncursed winged mithril sling bullets (+4, 2d5) [27s] uncursed throwing knife (+2, 1d3+4) [8s] uncursed throwing club (+0, 1d8+2) [30s] heap of 5 cursed rocks (+0, 1d4+1) [25s] bundle of 4 uncursed adamantium drakish scurgari (+6, 1d8+8) [28s] bundle of 5 blessed quarrels of undead slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [20s] bundle of 8 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+4, 2d6+5) [32s] bundle of 4 cursed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+5) [8s] bundle of 2 uncursed heavy throwing clubs (-2, 2d6+4) [160s] bundle of 7 uncursed unbalanced quarrels (-10, 2d6) [14s] bundle of 3 uncursed mithril drakish scurgari (+6, 1d8+5) [24s] heap of 8 cursed rocks (+0, 1d4) [40s] heap of 5 blessed rocks (+2, 1d4+3) [25s] uncursed throwing club of death (+0, 4d6+4) [40s] uncursed dark elven quarrel (+4, 1d4+6) [2s] uncursed rusty dark elven quarrel (+3, 1d4+4) [2s] cursed dark elven quarrel (+5, 1d4+3) [2s] uncursed dark elven quarrel (+1, 1d4+3) [2s] uncursed throwing club (+1, 1d8-1) [30s] bundle of 9 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+4) [18s] heap of 3 uncursed rocks (-3, 1d4+2) [15s] bundle of 7 uncursed mithril sling bullets of slaying (+5, 2d5) [21s] bundle of 10 uncursed arrows of undead slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [20s] uncursed huge rock (-8, 10d6) [1000s] bundle of 3 uncursed quarrels of jelly slaying (+5, 2d6+3) [12s] bundle of 10 cursed arrows of slaying (+2, 1d6+2) [20s] ---> Как обычно полно слееров. Вору нужно уметь стрелять. Tools (']') uncursed torch (976 turns of fuel remaining) [10s] blessed box with flint and steel (18) [5s] uncursed tinderbox (1) [3s] heap of 2 uncursed cooking sets [200s] heap of 2 uncursed thieves picks [10s] heap of 4 uncursed bandages [8s] heap of 2 uncursed adamantium ingots [24s] heap of 4 uncursed holy symbols [20s] heap of 620 uncursed sis [6200s] heap of 2 uncursed climbing sets [360s] heap of 5 uncursed square keys [5s] uncursed magical writing set (4) [5s] heap of 62 blessed sis [620s] heap of 4 blessed bandages [8s] blessed waterproof blanket [10s] heap of 3 blessed fireproof blankets [30s] blessed plain blanket [10s] blessed hexagonal key [1s] heap of 3 uncursed fireproof blankets [30s] heap of 2 uncursed boxes with flint and steel (45) [10s] uncursed box with flint and steel (13) [5s] heap of 3 uncursed small keys [3s] blessed box with flint and steel (16) [5s] heap of 4 uncursed triangular keys [4s] uncursed tinderbox (8) [3s] heap of 3 uncursed hexagonal keys [3s] uncursed waterproof blanket [10s] blessed magical writing set (6) [5s] blessed stethoscope [5s] uncursed fletchery set (8) [70s] heap of 3 uncursed plain blankets [30s] blessed eternium ingot [8s] heap of 3 uncursed eternium ingots [24s] uncursed mithril ingot [14s] uncursed piece of iron ore [120s] heap of 2 uncursed tiny keys [2s] blessed tiny key [1s] uncursed iron ingot [20s] uncursed giant boar skull [300s] heap of 21 cursed sis [210s] uncursed piece of adamantium ore [100s] heap of 5 uncursed wooden sticks [150s] uncursed round key [1s] uncursed tinderbox (22) [3s] uncursed piece of mithril ore [110s] uncursed hyena statue [2000s] Instruments ('{') uncursed lute [20s] uncursed mandoline [23s] uncursed tamborine [5s] uncursed flute [3s] uncursed harp [30s] Rings ('=') blessed ring of defense +1 [1s] blessed ring of ice [1s] heap of 5 uncursed rings of fire resistance [5s] heap of 6 uncursed rings of searching [6s] heap of 4 uncursed rings of stun resistance [4s] blessed ring of invisibility [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of the fish [2s] heap of 3 blessed rings of fire resistance [3s] heap of 4 uncursed rings of acid resistance [4s] blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3] [1s] heap of 4 uncursed rings of cold resistance [4s] uncursed ring of defense +1 [1s] heap of 5 uncursed rings of invisibility [5s] heap of 5 uncursed rings of slaying (+6 melee damage, +6 missile damage) uncursed ring of gain attribute {Wi+1} [1s] uncursed ring of damage [1s] uncursed ring of protection +1 [1s] uncursed ring of doom [1s] heap of 2 blessed rings of cold resistance [2s] blessed ring of protection +1 [1s] blessed ring of regeneration [1s] blessed ring of acid resistance [1s] heap of 3 uncursed rings of damage [3s] heap of 2 uncursed wedding rings [2s] uncursed ring of the clear mind [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of luck [2s] blessed ring of damage [1s] uncursed ring of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+1} [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of djinni summoning [2s] ---> I'm a djinni in da bottle, you gotta rub me da right way blessed wedding ring [1s] uncursed rusty ring of stun resistance [1s] cursed ring of defense +1 [1s] cursed ring of karmic absorption [1s] ---> Так и не выяснил, что эта фигня значит. Есть идеи - пишите на мыло blessed ring of damage [1s] uncursed ring of see invisible [1s] uncursed ring of teleport control [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of teleportation (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of trap detection (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of acid (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] blessed wand of fireballs (11 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of monster detection (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fireballs (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of light (0 charges) [4s] blessed wand of item detection (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of monster detection (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (5 charges) [3s] blessed wand of fire (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of cold (3 charges) [4s] blessed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of monster creation (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] blessed wand of knocking (8 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of webbing (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of ball lightning (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of monster detection (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of cold (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (8 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of paralyzation (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of lightning (1 charge) [4s] uncursed wand of monster creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of acid (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of far slaying (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of wonder (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of wishing (0 charges) [3s] ---> сучий коррупт :(((( uncursed wand of monster creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of lightning (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of destruction (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of earthquakes (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (2 charges) [3s] blessed wand of ball lightning (7 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of poison (9 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fireballs (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of poison (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of ball lightning (4 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of light (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of gold detection (6 charges) [6s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (8 charges) [3s] blessed wand of gold detection (3 charges) [6s] uncursed wand of fire (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of fire (1 charge) [4s] cursed wand of trap detection (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of monster creation (0 charges) [3s] cursed wand of digging (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (8 charges) [3s] blessed wand of digging (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (3 charges) [3s] blessed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of wonder (4 charges) [3s] cursed wand of trap creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of lightning (2 charges) [4s] blessed wand of trap creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of wishing (1 charge) [3s] ---> что бы мне заказать? Ума не приложу blessed wand of gold detection (2 charges) [6s] uncursed wand of lightning (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of gold detection (1 charge) [6s] uncursed wand of earthquakes (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of earthquakes (3 charges) [3s] blessed wand of light (5 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of acid (1 charge) [4s] blessed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (8 charges) [3s] blessed wand of stunning (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of lightning (4 charges) [4s] Potions ('!') heap of 30 uncursed potions of healing [120s] heap of 38 uncursed potions of invisibility [152s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of visibility [16s] heap of 3 blessed potions of healing [12s] heap of 10 uncursed potions of balance [40s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of potential charisma [12s] heap of 30 potions of holy water [120s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of potential beauty [16s] heap of 7 blessed oils of rust removal [14s] heap of 6 uncursed potions of exchange [24s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of potential learning [20s] blessed potion of youth [4s] uncursed potion of beauty [4s] heap of 13 uncursed potions of cure poison [26s] heap of 42 uncursed potions of poison [168s] blessed potion of balance [4s] heap of 3 uncursed berzio potions [6s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of insight [10s] heap of 6 uncursed potions of boost appearance [12s] uncursed potion of stun recovery [2s] heap of 7 uncursed potions of raw mana [14s] heap of 8 blessed potions of extra healing [16s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of ultra healing [6s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of training [6s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost dexterity [8s] heap of 29 uncursed potions of carrot juice [116s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of blindness [8s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of confusion [4s] blessed potion of booze [4s] heap of 12 uncursed potions of booze [48s] heap of 4 blessed potions of carrot juice [16s] uncursed potion of boost strength [2s] blessed berzio potion [2s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of oil [8s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of troll blood [6s] heap of 2 blessed potions of cure poison [4s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of boost mana [10s] uncursed potion of boost speed [2s] uncursed potion of raw chaos [2s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of boost charisma [6s] heap of 3 blessed potions of invisibility [12s] blessed potion of poison [4s] uncursed potion of charisma [4s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of potential dexterity [16s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of mana [8s] uncursed potion of uselessness [2s] heap of 10 uncursed potions of water [40s] uncursed potion of potential toughness [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost willpower [4s] blessed potion of exchange [4s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost perception [8s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost learning [8s] blessed potion of potential learning [4s] blessed potion of deafness [2s] blessed potion of visibility [4s] cursed berzio potion [2s] heap of 2 cursed potions of invisibility [8s] heap of 2 potions of unholy water [8s] cursed potion of potential learning [4s] cursed potion of wonder [2s] cursed potion of confusion [2s] blessed potion of cure corruption [2s] ---> Не исключено, что осталось ещё пара полезных снадобий. Ломало их вычислять Scrolls ('?') heap of 11 uncursed scrolls of darkness [22s] uncursed papyrus scroll [2s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of balance [8s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of item destruction [8s] uncursed scroll of satiation [2s] heap of 14 uncursed scrolls of great identify [28s] heap of 8 uncursed scrolls of light [16s] heap of 12 uncursed scrolls of power [24s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of teleportation [6s] uncursed scroll of gold detection [2s] uncursed scroll of vermin control [2s] uncursed ratling pamphlet [2s] heap of 6 blessed scrolls of identify [12s] heap of 26 uncursed scrolls of identify [52s] heap of 4 blessed scrolls of great identify [8s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of charging [8s] blessed scroll of gold detection [2s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of item detection [8s] heap of 6 uncursed scrolls of amnesia [12s] heap of 7 blessed scrolls of uncursing [14s] heap of 2 blessed scrolls of dark predictions [4s] heap of 2 blessed scrolls of power [4s] blessed scroll of danger [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of repair [6s] heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of uncursing [10s] blessed scroll of balance [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of ill fate [4s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of luck [6s] uncursed scroll of cure blindness [2s] blessed scroll of monster detection [2s] blessed scroll of protection [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping [6s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of monster detection [4s] heap of 3 uncursed blank scrolls [6s] uncursed scroll of treasure creation [2s] cursed scroll of identify [2s] uncursed scroll of increase melee damage [2s] uncursed scroll of monster aggravation [2s] cursed scroll of magic mapping [2s] uncursed scroll of item creation [2s] Books ('"') uncursed tract of chaos [150s] uncursed spellbook of Bless [100s] uncursed spellbook of Calm Monster [100s] uncursed spellbook of Darkness [100s] uncursed spellbook of Earthquake [100s] uncursed spellbook of Know Alignment [100s] uncursed spellbook of Lightning Bolt [100s] uncursed spellbook of Magic Map [100s] blessed spellbook of Slow Monster [100s] uncursed spellbook of Slow Monster [100s] blessed spellbook of Strength of Atlas [100s] blessed spellbook of Strength of Atlas [100s] uncursed spellbook of Stun Ray [100s] Food ('%') uncursed lump of gelee royal [3s] heap of 8 uncursed bits of gnomish candy [16s] heap of 136 uncursed cooked lizards [408s] heap of 156 uncursed fried bats [468s] heap of 66 uncursed cooked roaches [198s] heap of 44 uncursed rat tails [132s] heap of 3 uncursed loaves of hurthling bread [90s] heap of 5 uncursed hurthling cakes [150s] heap of 14 uncursed fat worms [42s] heap of 25 uncursed iron rations [2500s] heap of 17 uncursed large rations [3400s] heap of 4 uncursed loaves of bread [160s] heap of 9 uncursed bits of plain candy [18s] heap of 2 uncursed melons [40s] cursed cooked black unicorn corpse [228s] heap of 2 uncursed fortune cookies [6s] heap of 2 uncursed pieces of fresh meat [40s] heap of 4 blessed iron rations [400s] uncursed frog legs [2s] heap of 3 blessed bones [12s] heap of 2 blessed fortune cookies [6s] blessed bit of gnomish candy [2s] uncursed bone [4s] blessed melon [20s] heap of 2 cursed iron rations [200s] blessed large ration [200s] heap of 2 cursed large rations [400s] heap of 3 uncursed dwarven sausages [60s] heap of 2 cursed dwarven sausages [40s] blessed dwarven sausage [20s] ---> еды - от пуза. Хоббиты ведь любят, пожрать, правда? :-)))) Valuables ('$') 1917440662 gold pieces [19174406s] Gems ('*') heap of 9 uncursed turquoises [9s] heap of 5 uncursed aquamarines [5s] heap of 5 uncursed sapphires [5s] heap of 4 uncursed amber stones [4s] heap of 3 uncursed crystals of health [3s] heap of 10 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass [10s] blessed amber [1s] blessed aquamarine [1s] blessed crystal of darkness [1s] heap of 3 uncursed worthless pieces of white glass [3s] heap of 7 uncursed crystals of power [7s] heap of 4 uncursed rubies [4s] heap of 4 uncursed aquamarines [4s] heap of 3 uncursed emeralds [3s] heap of 3 uncursed crystals of knowledge [3s] heap of 2 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass [2s] heap of 5 uncursed turquoises [5s] heap of 2 blessed emeralds [2s] heap of 3 uncursed opals [3s] heap of 3 uncursed worthless pieces of brown glass [3s] heap of 2 uncursed topazes [2s] heap of 3 uncursed crystals of darkness [3s] heap of 2 uncursed crystals of light [2s] blessed crystal of knowledge [1s] heap of 4 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass [4s] blessed topaz [1s] blessed worthless piece of red glass [1s] blessed sapphire [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Daggers & knives 15 +20 +12 +5 Grand Mastery ---> положено по статусу Swords 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 52 ---> Начальная сабля Pole arms 14 +18 +11 +20 Mastery 7599 ---> Вирмленс после достижения ГМ в кинжалах ----------> Почти 2 ГМ. Если б не лень, то... Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Bows 4 +8 +6 +1 skilled 44 Crossbows 7 +14 +10 +2 skilled 150 Thrown rocks & clubs 5 +10 +7 +1 skilled 38 Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- Shields 10 +20 excellent 641 Damage caused with your melee weapons: -------------------------------------- Right hand: +276 bonus to hit, 6d12+136 damage ---> неплохо для простого вора. Почти как у великого и ужасного ТАрТаКа Damage caused with your missile weapons: ---------------------------------------- Ammunition: 11, base range: 26, +167 bonus to hit, 2d6+88 damage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alertness ................100 (superb) [+1d5] Appraising ...............100 (superb) [+1d3] Archery ..................100 (superb) [+1] Backstabbing .............100 (superb) [+4d4] Bridge building .......... 31 (fair) [+3d3] (mr) Climbing .................100 (superb) [+2d4] Cooking .................. 85 (great) [+1] (ma) Courage ..................100 (superb) [+1] Detect traps .............100 (superb) [+2d4] Disarm traps .............100 (superb) [+2d4] First aid ................100 (superb) [+1d3] Food preservation ........100 (superb) [+1d5] Gardening ................ 52 (good) [+1] Haggling .................100 (superb) [+2d4] Healing ..................100 (superb) [+3d5] Listening ................100 (superb) [+4d4] Literacy .................100 (superb) [+1] Pick locks ...............100 (superb) [+2d4] Pick pockets .............100 (superb) [+3d3] Smithing ................. 64 (good) [+1d3] Stealth ..................100 (superb) [+2d4] Survival ................. 24 (mediocre) [+3d4] Swimming .................100 (superb) [+1d3] Tactics ..................100 (superb) [+1] Two weapon combat ........100 (superb) [+1d5] ---> Хороший набор скиллов. Все полученные честным путем + выживание из PoE. Для полного счастья остается лишь find weakness... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Bolt : 9, 22pp (Effectivity: +0) Magic Lock : 11, 15pp (Effectivity: +0) Scare Monster : 10, 22pp (Effectivity: +0) Strength of Atlas: 198, 10pp (Effectivity: +0) Stun Ray : 822, 8pp (Effectivity: +0) Teleportation : 625, 21pp (Effectivity: +6) ---> покастовал чуток в бесконечном данжоне. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His further life: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After he leaves the Drakalor Chain he is welcomed by his people with great honors. They acknowledge his noble deeds, his valor, his cunning and his great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world he knows. He is crowned to be the king of all hurthlings and lives a long and prosperous life full of love, happiness and pleasure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His achievements during his adventures: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vv-sector, the hurthling thief, saved the world with his brave efforts and became a great ruler while saving himself 15 times. He scored 99292688 points and advanced to level 50. ---> Бляяяяяяя! Ещё б чуток и...... 100000000. Факин шыТ!!!! He survived for 0 years, 71 days, 3 hours, 46 minutes and 27 seconds (97871 turns). Vv-sector visited 124 places. ---> кроме Жуков (все равно теперь эта локация н и к а к о г о интереса не представляет) и минотавров (зачем вору двуручный топор?) His strength score was modified by +76 during his career. His learning score was modified by +34 during his career. His willpower score was modified by +77 during his career. His dexterity score was modified by +77 during his career. His toughness score was modified by +79 during his career. His charisma score was modified by +37 during his career. His appearance score was modified by +8 during his career. His mana score was modified by +5 during his career. His perception score was modified by +27 during his career. He was the champion of the arena. He was the head of the thieves guild. He brought back joy into the life of a tiny girl. He defeated the arch enemy of a mighty karmic wyrm. He saved Khelavaster from certain death. He left the Drakalor Chain after completing his quest and became a great leader and famous hero. 9207 monsters perished under his attacks. The following 28 artifacts were generated during his adventure: the si the dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion" the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" the golden gladius "Death's Sting" the thin dagger "Cat's Claw" the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth the heavy crossbow "The Far Slayer" the obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke" the lead-filled mace "Big Punch" the sword of Nonnak the elemental gauntlets the ring of the High Kings the phial of Caladriel the crown of science the ancient mummy wrapping the ankh the Sceptre of Chaos the bracers of war the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana the black rune-covered dagger "Needle" the black rune-covered dagger "Sting" the medium obsidian shield "Protector" the emerald dagger "Serpent's Bite" the Trident of the Red Rooster the rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" ---> мало :((( Либо мне не везет, либо в 1.1.1. с артефаками стало туго. За исключением гарантированных - почти ничего. He possessed the following intrinsics: He was fire resistant. He was poison resistant (enhanced through an item). He was cold resistant. He was acid resistant. He was lucky (enhanced through items). Fate smiled upon him (gained through an item). He was sleep resistant (gained through an item). He was able to teleport. He was able to control teleportation. He was invisible (gained through an item). He was stun resistant (gained through items). He was resistant to death rays (gained through items). He was shock resistant. He was able to see invisible things (gained through items). He was immune to shock attacks. He was immune to fire attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to acidic attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to ice attacks (gained through items). He was able to breathe water (gained through an item). He was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through items). He had the following talents: Affinity with Daggers & Knives, Affinity with Polemarms, Beast of Burden, Far Shot, Good Shot, Greased Lightning, Keen Shot, Long Stride, Master Packager, Mechanically Inclined, Porter, Quick, Shield Expert, Shield Master, Shield Specialist, Sixth Sense, Stealthy, Very Quick. He had a final speed score of 146 (final base speed: 156). He was a messiah of Shalla. He asked for 4 divine interventions. He was a holy champion of Order. He was slightly tainted by Chaos. ---> ???? Прочитал последний свиток прямо перед уходом. Вот залечь! а так могло бы быть 100 000 000 :( (см выше) The following monsters were vanquished: 3 acid vortices 23 air demons 13 air elementals 7 air grues 1 ancient black dragon 196 ancient blue dragons 45 blue baby dragons 59 blue dragons ---> потренировался немножко. Повыбрасывали неплохие итемчики. Потом заломало :) 1 ancient blue wyrm 1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm 6 ancient minotaurs 2 ancient red dragons 1 Ancient Stone Beast 8 animated armors 179 animated trees 4 ankhegs 8 annihilators ---> самая страшная угроза. - мой поясок и .... кранты воришке. 6 annis hags 62 assassins 1 assassin prince 11 balors ---> все трое дополнительных в Инфинитном Данжоне 29 bandits 1 banshee 22 barbarians 8 barbarian leaders 2 battle bunnies 1 beggar 16 berserkers 5 berserker emperors 7 berserker kings 22 berserker lords 10 berserker princes 14 big dogs 2 black baby dragons 5 black dragons 19 black hurthlings 1 black slayer 16 black unicorns 5 black wizards 1 blink dog ---> и один труп 1 bone golem 6 brown bears 4 brown worms 17 bugbears 2 bulettes 1 bunny master 10 carrion crawlers 1 cat lord ---> заметно усилили. Прибавился инвиз и спеллкастинг. Крутой соперник. 10 cave bears 74 cave fishers 8 cave lions 16 cave lizards 12 cave tigers 15 cavemen 1 Chaos Archmage 6 chaos brothers 7 chaos eyes 3 chaos knights 9 chaos lizards 67 chaos mutants 9 chaos plague bearers 12 chaos rats 293 chaos servants 7 chaos sisters 2 chaos spawns 6 chaos spiders 6 chaos vipers 1 chaos warlord 34 chaos warriors 30 chaos wizards ---> Смерть Хаосу!!!! 43 claw bugs 16 clay golems 5 cobras 2 cooshoos 21 corpse fiends 14 corruptors 1 crime lord 2 crystal statues 9 cutpurses 6 cyclopes 10 dark elven archers 9 dark elven lords 14 dark elven priestesses 24 dark elven princesses 11 dark elven warriors 5 dark elven wizards 11 dark orcs 11 dark sages 2 death oozes 2 diamond golems ---> Так, ничего, есть с кем подраЦЦа 75 dire wolves 22 displacer beasts 26 dopplegangers 1 doppleganger king ---> не заметил (пожимаю плечами и улыбаюсь) 17 doppleganger lords 1 Dorn Beast 13 dwarven chaos knights 45 earth elementals 1 emperor moloch ---> 2 стрелы из арбалета 1 eternium golem ---> кинжалы не брали. Пришлось расстрелять из арбалетика. 33 ettins 15 eyes of destruction 58 fire beetles 34 fire demons 24 fire drakes 48 fire elementals 18 fire giants 3 fire giant kings 17 fire grues 19 fire lizards 28 flesh golems 10 floating eyes 8 fomorian giants 12 frost giants 3 frost giant berserkers 1 frost giant jarl 9 gargoyles 34 gelatinous cubes 98 ghosts ---> комнаты с этими тварями стали популярны в бесконечном данжоне. 17 ghost bats 5 ghost kings ---> с должным уважением расстреливал их издали. Один из них был "немеряно опытным". Бррррр! Зверюга. 36 ghost lords 88 ghuls 2 giant ant queens 24 giant ant warriors 16 giant ant workers 43 giant bats 3 giant bee queens 138 giant bee warriors 26 giant bee workers 1 giant boar ---> +труп+череп 24 giant centipedes 1 giant eel 14 giant frogs 19 giant lizards 2 giant raccoons 193 giant rats 4 giant rust monsters 16 giant slugs ---> логово 57 giant spiders 1 giant turtle 9 gibbering mouthers 30 gnolls 2 gnoll chieftains 67 goblins 6 goblin berserkers 22 goblin chieftains 62 goblin rockthrowers ---> оказалось, что этой мой первый киллллллл 50 goblin slavemasters 2 gorgons 130 gray oozes 2 gray slayers 1 great black wyrm 6 great blue wyrms 1 great karmic wyrm 20 great red wyrms ---> комнатень с этими тварями на ID 54. Море экспы и кульных вещей. 26 greater air elementals 1 greater balor 1 greater black unicorn 216 greater chaos servants 4 greater claw bugs 2 greater daemons 3 greater fire elementals 23 greater mimics 11 greater molochs 11 greater mummies 1 greater titan 6 greater water elementals 17 green blobs 8 green hags 200 green slimes 182 green worms 1557 gremlins ---> :-)))) 7 griffons 10 grizzly bears 2 half-orc bouncers 30 harpies 16 hell hounds 91 hill giants 36 hill giant chieftains 11 hill orcs 8 hill orc sergeants 25 hippogriffs 34 hobgoblins 11 hobgoblin chiefs 4 hobgoblin leaders 12 homunculi 26 huge bats 7 hydras 6 hyenas 1 ice vortex 10 imps 4 invisible stalkers 10 iron golems 121 jackals 6 jackal demons 12 jackalweres 5 karmic baby dragons 2 karmic dragons 7 karmic lizards 2 killer bugs 2 king cobras 86 kobolds 17 kobold chieftains 15 kobold shamans 60 large bats 13 large dogs 5 large gnolls 7 large jackals 51 large kobolds 40 large orcs 8 large rust monsters 10 large snakes 297 large spiders 7 least daemons 4 lesser daemons 5 leucrottas 12 liches 1 lich king 14 lightning lizards 2 living walls 44 lizard men 8 magebane eyes 15 magedoom eyes 36 master assassins 5 master mimics 1 master necromancer 1 Master Summoner 19 master swordsmen 2 master thieves 9 mimics 2 mimic hiveminds 6 minotaurs 1 minotaur mazemaster 16 molochs 25 mummies 1 mummy lord 12 necromancers 12 ochre jellies 56 ogres 35 ogre emperors 5 ogre kings 19 ogre lords 5 ogre magi 142 orcs 4 orc butchers 12 orc chieftains 51 orc scorchers 7 outlaws 14 outlaw leaders 18 owlbears 46 pit vipers 6 pixies 7 pixie archers 5 purple worms 8 quasits 4 quicklings 1 quickling bard ---> Iamnowahappyquickling :) 10 quickling kings 4 quickling lords 3 quickling queens 7 rabid dogs 42 raiders 264 rats 13 ratling archers 10 ratling duelists 8 ratling fencers 10 ratling master thieves 28 ratling thieves 9 ratling warlords 15 ratling warriors 2 rattlesnakes 1 red baby dragon 1 red dragon 32 red worms 4 revenants 40 rust monsters 123 shadows 10 shadow centipedes 8 shadow lords 9 shadow trolls 2 shadow wyrms 6 shambling mounds 22 silver wolves 1 skeletal king 14 skeletal warriors 182 skeletons 8 slow shadows 1 Snake from Beyond 19 spectres 3 staring eyes 32 steel golems 6 steel horrors 11 steel zombies 44 stone giants 17 stone giant lords 39 stone golems 33 stone grues 4 stone oozes 10 stone snakes 7 stone statues 5 swamp hydras 22 swordsmen 57 tarantulas 1 titan 26 trolls 11 troll berserkers 9 troll chiefs 15 troll kings 1 undead chaos dwarven berserker 11 vampires 74 vapor rats 4 vipers 1 wall beast 9 water demons 7 water elementals 21 water grues 28 water snakes 16 wererats 18 werewolves 2 werewolf kings 9 werewolf lords 13 white baby dragons 1 white dragon 67 white worms 80 wights 4 wild cats 3 will o'wisps 155 wolves 42 wraiths 124 writhing masses of primal chaos 13 yellow oozes 141 zombies --------------------------------- С приветом, NoiZZ. Get pi$$ed, De$troY!!!